Linggo, Abril 29, 2012

Well, Hello Ian. :)

He was supposed to be out on April 15, 2012. However, this baby fulfilled my request. :). I was telling him since he was eight months old that he should come out on April 24 so we can both be "ka-birthday". Thia (Ian's mom) had a hard time, though. (Ouch, my fault). She endured labor for two days. Through it all, she's blessed with a really lovely son. :D Here is the little cutie pie:

Ren Ian Yael Morales. Isn't he as cute as a little button? :). I knew it! Those who are born on April 24 are really good looking. Hahahaha. :D

Linggo, Abril 15, 2012

A Firm Foundation: What's that For

When the earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011, a Japanese family was having a lunch in a restaurant. As the earthquake commenced, these Japanese remained calm and composed and never left their seat. They just sat there waiting for the earthquake to end. Why did this Japanese family never panic even if there's danger around them? It is because they know that the building they are in is built in a strong foundation.

Those closest to me know that my favorite hymn is "How Firm a Foundation". Its message always reminds me that if I wanted my life to be happy despite all the troubles in the world, I should establish my life in a strong foundation. The scripture clearly tells us where to build our lives. In Helaman 5:12, it says " And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon thearock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." 

During my years in seminary and institute, my friends would often give me skeptical looks everytime I tell them "I can't come on Saturday. I have a class". They would ask "A class? Where?" "In our church, it's like a Bible school", I would reply. They would then ask "What's that for?"

What's that for? What is seminary and institute for? Why do I need to attend in my classes?

Now, I decide to answer the question. 

1.) For me to know who I really am.

The youth and young adults are bombarded by the media every day that sometimes, we forget to realize our great worth. The scriptures remind us who we really are and what is our divine purpose here on earth. Seminary and institute have made me realize that I am indeed special in Heavenly Father's sight because I am His daughter. The world may tell me that I am insignificant. But the scriptures tell me that I am "great in the sight of God."

2.) For me to able to share the gospel

Full time or not, we have the responsibility of sharing the gospel to other people. How can we share something that we have no idea about? Attending seminary and institute will help us to know the gospel better thru lessons and examples. They will help us to love the message that we share. By experiencing this, we allow ourselves to become better missionaries. The Lord said "Seek not to adeclare my word, but first seek to bobtain mycword, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my dSpirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the econvincing of men.". 

3.) For me to be able to teach my children well.

As a woman, I know my divine purpose is to become a mother, bring children to this world and help them return to Heavenly Father's presence someday. In this world of confusion and temptations, I can help equip them by teaching them the true "points of his doctrine" so that when the time comes that they will be faced by a challenge, they will know where they can rely on and they can bravely say "We do not doubt [what we believe in], our Mother knows it".

We are a chosen generation. It is Satan's plan to confuse us because He knows all the things we are capable of doing. I know that "feasting upon the words of Christ" will indeed tell us "all the things that we should do". It is important to give importance to seminary and institute. The church needs us, the Lord needs us. Let us all build strong foundations while we are young so that when the challenges come our way, we will be like the Japanese people; calm and immovable because we know that our lives are built upon Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer.

Linggo, Abril 8, 2012

General Conference

Having a General Conference every six months is truly a blessing. I felt inspired, lifted up, enlightened and edified. :)

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