Huwebes, Enero 10, 2013

Purple Shimmah!

We always have that one thing we own but we don't know what to do with it. That lip gloss that was forgotten when another one was bought; the 10,000 pens inside your bag; that alcohol you always miss to use because the food's too tempting to mind. In my case, it would be an eye shadow duo with shades of purple and sky blue.

It's Tata's birthday gift to me and it has been sitting on my kit for 8 months already. I cannot find a special occasion where I can use those colors because I'm afraid it might not complement the color of my skin very well (you see, I'm morena).

Had I known I'm wrong, I would have used it often.

This day I decided to give those shades a try. I told myself "They're bold colors but they can still be useful". I decided to create a simple evening look. Here's what I did:

I believe this look is appropriate to wear during the evening. If you have some parties to attend, some get together, or maybe a formal dinner-date, this look is good to go. (Sorry, the quality of the camera ruins the colors). Here's how I did it.

Okay, so, first of all, you need to have a clean face prepped with foundation and powder. After you're done with that, start with the eyes.

For this look, I opted for this light shimmery eyeshadow (the lightest one). It's cream-based, by the way, so, it's really pretty to use. :). This is a product of Sansan Cosmetics. (I use really cheap products. Not much of a Mac girl, hehe)

After I applied this color all over my lids, I decided to use the purple eyeshadow. 

It may not be that obvious but this color is really pretty intense. Too much of it can make your eyes look like you can compete with a zombie. Using a brush, I applied the purple color all over my crease. To intensify the  look, I applied a dark brown color on the outer corner of my eyes to give them a 3d-effect. Plus, I really am a sucker for dark brown eyeshadows, so, forgive me. :)

(The other dark color fell off just this morning. *pout*)

Don't forget to add some liquid eyeliner and dark mascara to add more effect to your eyes.

Also, since this look is appropriate for evening use, your eyes need to look big, bright, and still alive. :). The secret?


White eyeliner, Ladies and Gents! Applying this on your lower lash lines will pop up those eyes. :)

As for the face

I always like to contour my face when I need to attend formal afternoon/evening events. Contouring highlights the face and creates an illusion that you have hollow cheeks (and for someone who's got a chubby face, that sounds good news, hahaha). That shade encircled yellow is what I use for contouring. If you don't have a bronzer, choose a blush that's two times darker than your skin. I will post a blog next time on how I contour my face. :)

After contouring, it's time for the blush. Again, since you want your eyes to be the star, you need to keep the blush on your face to a minimum. Choose a light color that will complement your eyes. :)

Last, but not the least, don't forget to play with lipstick. For this look, I chose a light pink lip shade. 

Purple and Light pink does sound very Barbie, right? :)

So, there you have it, folks. :). This is just a proof that you shouldn't let that little eye shadow color scare you. You can find ways to make that little fear your ultimate weapon. Just like in life! :)

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