Lunes, Hulyo 29, 2013

A Guardian of Virtue

In order to stay on the path to the temple, you must guard your personal virtue and the virtue of others with whom you associate. Why? Mormon taught in the Book of Mormon that virtue and chastity are “most dear and precious above all things.” - Sister Elaine Dalton

Sister Dalton's talk entitled "Guardians of Virtue" is one of the greatest talks that I have treasured by heart. It speaks about the power and great responsibilities of young women; it emphasizes that even at a very young age, young girls have such a great influence upon all that they associate with. So great are the power of the young women that they are given the title "Guardians of Virtue".

What is a guardian? I searched the internet for the most appropriate meaning of the word and I found this short but very profound definition: "someone who protects". A "guardian of virtue" helps protect, preserve, and shield the purity and moral cleanliness of those around her. 

What great trust the Lord has put on every young woman! He knows that if the girls of the world will strive to become examples of righteousness and moral cleanliness, other people can easily be influenced. He knows that if young girls set an example of choosing the right, people who can see the way they live will say "we do not doubt, our mothers [and yes, sisters] know [and live] it..."

We now live in a world where a spiritual war is raging. The attacks of the adversary are centered towards our young men. The temptations around them are strong, fierce, subtle, and absolutely overwhelming. Satan knows that these young men will one day lead a family, an organization, a community. He knows that if he can tempt one potential young man to live in a way contrary to what is expected of him and eventually lead him to "the gulf of misery and endless woe", he also destroys the possibility of creating a family of faith, an organization of integrity, and a community of strength. 

The adversary also sees a young woman's potential to influence a young man to choose the right. He is knowledgeable of the fact that when a young man looks up to a young woman, her righteous choices can easily create a difference to his own. That is why the adversary is doing all he can to cripple the confidence of the young girls by making them forget their true identity as a daughter of God. He knows that when a young woman decides to become a guardian of virtue, his powers waver. When a young woman "stands for truth and righteousness", his hold over a young man diminishes.

We should not let him win. In this war we are on, we should "take upon [ourselves] the whole armor that [we] may be able t[o withstand the evil day". In these days of confusion and moral relativism, we should stand as true guardians of virtue.

What makes a "Guardian of Virtue"?

1. A guardian of virtue knows the enemy.

An ancient military general named Sun Tzu said these words "He who knows himself and the enemy need not fear the result of a hundred battles..."A guardian cannot know how she should protect if she is not knowledgeable of the strength and the objective of her  enemy. 

Satan is our greatest enemy. He desires that "all men will be miserable like unto himself" and he wants to drag us down to "the gulf of misery and endless woe". Since the Old Testament times, his greatest goal is to frustrate the work of the Lord. 

This enemy knows who you are and your potentials. He knows what you are capable of and he can see how great your power is. He tempts you to live below your potentials so you cannot be an instrument in the hands of God. 

Satan is real. He is not just a figment of an author's fictional imaginations. He strives everyday to make you choose what is wrong. His mission is to keep you from becoming the person the Lord sees you to be. He tells you "You aren't good enough", "You will never be accepted because you are not as pretty as the girls in the magazines", "You are insignificant". He does these things to weaken your armor. DO NOT LET HIM.

2. A guardian of virtue knows who she protects.

You may not know it but people can see the way you live. They notice that you are modest, that you love the Lord, and that you strive to live a life of integrity. They can see that you are bubbly, optimistic, and you want other people to also feel the joy that you feel. You are silently influencing many lives when you live right.

As a guardian of virtue, you should know who you protect, whose virtue you are helping to maintain. 

I am a sister to two young men. I can see their great potential and I know that their life during these years are not easy. They are teenagers battling giant temptations. I am sure that strong fiery darts of the adversary are being thrown their way because they are future missionaries of the Church. I fear for them considering that they are living in a very difficult world today. However, I am confident that if I will be a guardian of their virtue who helps them choose what is right no matter how challenging it is, I can help them battle the temptations that come their way.

You are protecting your brothers' virtue. Help them choose the right by teaching them to be morally clean. Help them identify the kind of entertainment they should enjoy. Teach them to restrain themselves from sexual impulses by telling them BOLDLY that sexual relationships outside of marriage is wrong. Be brave enough to correct them when they commit something against the commandments of God. We should be strong and bold sisters.

You also hold on your hands the virtue of those you date. Treat your date with respect. Honor him. Do not be the cause of his fall. I once wrote in my journal "I would rather be a Rachel who makes a man work righteously for me than to be a Delilah who will lead a man to his downfall..." Satan knows how to manipulate your special feelings for a young man. He strives hard to turn those healthy emotions into deadly feelings that can lead you to commit sexual immorality. Be the kind of young woman who upholds the virtue of those she dates. Go on wholesome dates, avoid places where temptations are strong. Be a young woman who will never ever settle for anything than temple marriage and who will not have choices that could compromise the blessings of purity and chastity. Remember the scripture that says "Virtue loveth virtue, light cleaveth unto light". Let's help our young men to also strive to become virtuous till the end.

3. A guardian of virtue is fearless because she has the whole armor of God and she knows who she is.

A guardian of virtue is strong and bold in standing for what is true and right. She "does not apologize for teaching the truth". She is confident because she is virtuous. 

She knows that in order for her to be victorious in the war against sin, she needs to put on the whole armor of God. The Savior Jesus Christ gave the perfect example of an invincible armor

 15 Wherefore, alift up your hearts and brejoice, and cgird up your loins, and take upon you my whole darmor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able toestand.
 16 Stand, therefore, having your loins agirt about with btruth, having on the cbreastplate of drighteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the egospel of fpeace, which I have sent mine gangels to commit unto you;
 17 Taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the afiery darts of the wicked;
 18 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of my aSpirit, which I will pour out upon you, and my word which I reveal unto you, and be agreed as touching all things whatsoever ye ask of me, and be faithful until I come, and ye shall be bcaught up, that where I am ye shall be calso. Amen. (Doctrine and Covenants 27:15-18}
A guardian of virtue knows who she is. She is a daughter of God who is deeply beloved by Heavenly Father. She understands her responsibility to always be a light and an example of a Christ-like life to others.
Of course, there will be times that you will feel incapable and fearful. It seems as though you do not have the courage and strength to become a guardian of virtue because of your weaknesses and unwise choices. Have an assurance in the word of God as stated in the 7th stanza of the song "How Firm a Foundation" 
"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I cannot desert to his foes. That soul though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never no never, I'll never no never, I'll never no never no never forsake!"
The adversary will be rooting for your failure. Do not let him. Fight in the war against sin with courage, understanding, and faith in the Lord. You will emerge victorious. 
The world needs you. Be a true guardian of virtue.

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