Huwebes, Hulyo 4, 2013

I'm not bored, just distracted, and I can learn to write again...

Hola, my long ignored blog.

It's been a long time since my last inspired entry and it quite frustrates me to realize that I am depriving myself of happiness that can only be derived from doing the things I love; writing being one of them. It's not that I don't allot a time in my day that is specially dedicated to writing -- I really want to post some blog entries as often as I want-- but every time I try to sit down in front of our computer, nothing worthy comes to mind. I don't want to call it writer's block, rather, I shall call it "writer's distraction". Because of the too many activities that I have to do (I am currently self-reviewing for the CPA Board Exams}, I would often say "I can't stay long here, I have to study Taxation!" or "This idea is great, but, it would take so much of my time. I  can't write this..." 

I know, I know. If I want to write, I should put my heart into it and devote some really serious piece of my 24-hours to type down some of my two cents. Gaaaah, I wish I can have a day where I'm free from any worries or responsibilities so I can have the luxury of writing anything I want any time of the day.

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