Lunes, Setyembre 23, 2013

I Love to be Alone

I love to be alone
and appreciate freedom.

Even when people say 
"You don't look good walking alone..."

I appreciate
the long walks with myself
no talking, just feeling the caress of the wind
and dates that involve
me and my thoughts reserve only for solitude.

I savor the beauty
of the silent afternoon
Where I can be a bird
enjoying its own little cage
making the best
out of everything

I don't mind 
the vacant spot beside me
every time I eat out
with my shadow.
Though I know for an instant,
the waiter would wonder
or maybe say
"Where's he, young lady?"

I treasure the company
of silence uninterrupted
where I can let my thoughts speak
the things that my lips can't
and silence indeed
is a special friend.

There's no hand that holds mine
When something heart-warming is seen
Nor when I scream my lungs out
at a horror room
still it's fun
though I am alone

Yes, there are moments
when the enormous part of my heart
that craves for companionship
detests my love story with singlehood
But it understands
that this is necessary.

Yet, I would be a sad excuse for a liar
when I insist that I'd rather be alone.
The longing for a hand to hold
for a comforting hug
for a listening partner
for a best friend
would always win.

However, until I finally have him
I shall continue
this romance specially made for me and myself
so when that special time comes
we'll both rejoice
imagine that!

So when you see me
walking alone the long pavements
or eating by myself
with only the company of a book
Know that I am happy.
I may appear unaccompanied
But I carry someone in my heart. 
Someone whom I shall soon be with. :)

Huwebes, Setyembre 12, 2013

October and April

“My heart tells me this is the best and greatest feeling I have ever had. But my mind knows the difference between wanting what you can’t have and wanting what you shouldn’t want. And I shouldn’t want you.” 
-  Cassandra Clare, City of Glass

Imagine the joy of finding the one thing you have waited for in your life; it's beautiful, unbelievable, absolutely precious.

Now, imagine that find being dragged away from you because of the undeniable fact that some things are not meant for you and you shouldn't want it at all; it's painful to say the least.

Now, imagine if you were to really experience that for real?

I'm a sucker for sad love stories and I root for star-crossed characters; Fyedka and Chava from Fiddler on the Roof, Romeo and Juliet, the little mermaid and the prince in Hans Christian Andersen's original story. The more I tear up, the more that piece becomes more meaningful to me. 

What makes that sad, though, is that those kinds of love stories exist in real life as well. 

I sometimes wonder "Why do they still continue a relationship when they both know that they will both end up getting hurt in the end? Why do they give up a lot? Is there love worth all the sacrifices?"

To those who have given up a lot in the name of love, I guess I will hear a resounding 'Yes!'

Lately, I find myself listening to Rasmus' "October and April". The initial thought that came to my mind was "This song is so poignant but beautiful". It relates so honestly the pain of forbidden love and the willingness of the lovers to sacrifice for the benefit of their relationship with someone they adore. Because of my being too in love with the song, I decided to make an art craft out of it and placed it in my room to remind me that indeed, love can make people brave no matter how hard or how tough times may be.

What strong hearts they have.

I pray to have one, too. 

But halt, being emotional is the last thing I want to be so, I guess I'm going to conclude it here. I'm not used to writing 'I-sulk-in-pain' entries. ^^

It's been a long time since I last posted on this blog. I miss you, bloggie. Will come back to you when old Giulia returns (a.k.a after the preboards haha) :)

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