Linggo, Setyembre 14, 2014

Taking "Beautiful" to the Next Level

We all have that experience. We meet someone breathtakingly beautiful. However, as you spend more time with that person, his/her beauty dulls and fades slowly, and slowly, and slowly...

Then, there's this other person whose physical appearance we might consider "average" or "just the right combination". But as you associate with him/her, he/she glows and blooms and gets more and more attractive. It's like there's just "something" present in that person that you just caaaaan't explain.

What made the difference? What was missing from the first?

I have been associating with different people I have met from diverse places. True to reality, I have likewise experienced both scenarios. I would like to share to you 5 of the many factors I have observed that make one person radiate beauty that is not just skin deep; 5 factors that take beauty in a whole new level. :)

1.) People who are extraordinarily beautiful are interesting.

These are the kind of people who know that beauty alone will not get a person's attention. They are funny, they are smart, they are good conversationalists. Their eyes light up and dance when you talk to them because they have always something to share. They do not hesitate to show their talents (even though some of them are quite weird). They love laughter. They crave for adventure. They have a reservoir of facts, a good collection of jokes, and pocket-full of inspirational quotes (some made by them!). They are the people who are confident because they know. :) They are the ones who don't just mope around the corner but they go around and give free smiles to everyone.

2.) People who are extraordinarily beautiful are always interested.

The most beautiful people in the world are those that are good listeners (ohh, an oft forgotten art). No matter how interesting they are, that doesn't stop them from being interested; they can still have moments of awe. They know that the world does not revolve around them. Have you experienced having a conversation with someone who just sat there, listened to you intently, empathized, rejoiced, and only gave advice when you asked them? They did not speak more than 100 words but you end up saying "Gosh, she's such a great listener! I wanna talk to her again!" People who are extraordinarily beautiful know how to give honest compliments, and they master the art of building other people's confidence. It is their happiness to make people feel good.

3.) People who are extraordinarily beautiful are always an inspiration to others.

I dunno why but there's something in them that is just so inspiring. Whether it be their dedication to their calling, the optimism that they have in life, or their trust in what they believe in, their character is always worth the example. I have a teacher when I was in college who was really simple (no makeup, no bling or what) but she radiates a beauty that is just so indescribable; it is really attractive! She was always so passionate when she talks about her faith, and she is ever so optimistic in all her trials. She loves laughing despite the pain that she goes through. Her quiet resilience and strength of character made her sooooo beautiful in my eyes.

4.) People who are extraordinarily beautiful are "we" oriented persons.

Selfishness and being self-centered are the two main culprits of that "glow" that makes one more beautiful. Even if your face is front-cover worthy, if you are mean, you're still boring. Extraordinarily beautiful people are those who are selfless and who forget themselves for the sake of other people. They are those whose hands are dirty because of volunteer work, those who go out of their way to help a friend in need, those who leave the company of their close friends to befriend and accompany a lonely person. They are those who live their lives in service of other people. These people may consider their efforts trivial but to those who see them, they are great examples. They are those who understand that "we" is better than just "me". 

5.) People who are extraordinarily beautiful know from which source their beauty comes from and they strive hard to retain it.

These people know that their gauge for beauty and confidence is not based on the number of likes they get on facebook or the amount of followers they have on Instagram or Twitter. They know better that they should not measure it on trivial things. They get their "glow" from much deeper sources: their relationship with Heavenly Father, the love of their family and friends, the admiration of truest friends, the company of good books, good conversations, and development of talents. They are rooted on a sturdy foundation. They are much more beautiful than the standards of the world and they strive everyday of their life retaining the "glow" that makes physical beauty so much more attractive. :)

There are so many criteria of beauty today. The media and society has their own basis of measurement. Sometimes, the requirements are overwhelming. But if you know how to look on the inside and strive to develop from there, you will gain a beauty even models would be dying to have. :)

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