Biyernes, Hulyo 6, 2012

The Beauty of Early Classes

I'm typing this with my eyelids still heavy and while waiting for the rice to cook.

It's 5:55 A.M. and I'm late for my class. Yep, I have a super early class that starts at 7:00 AM. Nope, it does not mean 7:30. It begins at 7 for my Law teacher is the most punctual ever. :).

When I learned that our Law class will start at 7 AM, I was, how do you put this, devastated? Goodbye, carefree Fridays! Goodbye long-deprived sleep! Goodbye lazy Saturdays! I have to jumpstart at 5:30 if I want to be in class on time.

However, I discovered that starting class earlier IS better. Your mind is sooo refreshed and so rejuvenated that information given to you about a particular lesson flows into your brain magically and the brain instantly stores it to the long term memory. :)

Also, another plus for early classes is that you get to see beautiful mornings. I love to see really pretty places and nature sights and an early ray of sunrise on green plants is such a sight to behold. :)

I guess the rice is already cooked. I have to take a bath now. :))

The only problem with early classes? The challenge of taking a bath. :)

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