Linggo, Oktubre 7, 2012

Repentance and a Dislocated Shoulder

The physical pain I was feeling since yesterday brought to me a realization about one of the most precious gifts of all: repentance.

I woke up well and good one Saturday morning. I needed be early that day for our 7:30 Business Law Examinations. I came to school right on time and took the exams fairly okay. I did not feel anything bad.

Until the noon came.

After I had lunch, I felt pain on my right shoulder. I tried moving it in a rotating motion but everytime I did, a stinging pain would make me say "Ouuuuch". By sunset, the pain worsened. I kept recalling any incident that might have caused the misfortune but I could not think of any. Feeling like a medical doctor, I tried to massage my shoulders for I was thinking the stinging sensation must only be because of a strained muscle. As the night progressed, I found it even harder to move my right arm. Thinking that the pain would be alleviated by morning, I went to bed early with the hope that the awful state of my right shoulder will be lessened.

I was wrong. 

When I woke up, I noticed that the pain intensified and that it was now accompanied by a burning sensation. I kept clamoring to my Mama that my shoulders hurt so bad. After having enough, my Mama offered some pretty scary suggestion: "Why don't we go to someone who knows how to do some hilot? Your shoulder might need it". I shook my head and was adamant with my "I don't want to go. Hilot is painful!" (Hilot, by the way, is a traditional Filipino way of healing strained muscles and other body pains). Then she told me "it's better to experience the pain of hilot now than to endure with that shoulder for 3 more days". Then and there, I realized she was indeed right.

We went to the "manog-hilot" (one who performs the hilot) and I nervously sat on the chair waiting for him to do the excruciating process. I was afraid since I know the "manog-hilot" would twist and turn and bend my hand like it does not have any infirmity. I was sore nervous. However, I endured the pain. Afterwards, I felt nothing but little pain. I was happy to know my agony was over. I knew my shoulder's process of healing will soon begin.

I have thought about this experience and I can tell that this can be similar to our experience with repentance. There are moments in our lives that would bring about so many pains to us. Some of us would be brave enough to find ways to heal the wound immediately. Some of us would think the guilt and pain of sin will just vanish away come morning light. Some of us get disappointed and always hurt when we find out that we can't just "sleep on it". It will hurt when we discover that the pain is worse than ever. Loving family members and friends would come to us and offer us help. Help can come from them giving us strength to go to the Bishop and ask for help. Some of us would be very afraid to come and ask for spiritual help because we have already placed in our minds that the process is so painful and that the bishop might twist and turn and bend us. Some know that indeed the road to repentance is not easy. It entails a lot of pain and regret. However, I know that some people can bravely say that after the repentance process with the help of their Bishops, they felt whole. I'm sure they're happy with their choice to seek help than to procrastinate and feel sorrow for many more days. They felt at peace. They were confident that the process of healing will soon begin.

We should never take the gift of repentance for granted. This is a precious and marvelous gift. It is Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's proof of mercy and love toward us. The process might be painful but it's all worth it. Any pain felt from the sins will be gone and a peaceful feeling will envelope you and you can finally say "The healing will soon begin". :)

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