Huwebes, Nobyembre 24, 2016

To be Lost is to be Found

People would often say that a heartbreak is God's form of redirection.

Sometimes, that phrase isn't just too easy to believe in. During the moment when our dreams get shattered and our hopes are drained, it then feels like you are also lost and unsure.

I can still remember the times when I felt very lost. Those moments were never easy. Some of them have actually made me question God's love for me. When I failed, one of the biggest questions for me was "I am Your daughter, right? Why is it that I am denied of the blessing I have wanted and prepared for?" Fortunately, thanks to time as well, the reason and the purpose why I had that painful experience was actually for my own good. In reality, being lost is actually a blessing.

Yes, when we feel lost, and we still put our trust to the Lord, He will eventually reveal the purposes behind. Then we will realize it is truly a redirection.

But facing moments of uncertainty isn't easy and the realization that everything will work out don't always come. One thing I am grateful for this the Plan of Salvation. Knowing the Lord's plan of happiness for His children reminds me that not everything is final here on the earth. Every trial and heartbreak is a test for us, a boon to stretch us to become more than who we are.

Saying "I am so grateful for that heartbreak" may seem weird and unbelievable, but it is possible. If we put our trust to the Lord and His plans for us, we give Him the chance to heal us from our pain. How thankful am I for the opportunity to walk this earth and learn of the Lord's plan for me. Indeed, this life is a study and testing ground and I am thankful for every test that helps me be better. 

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