Linggo, Enero 22, 2012

Sister Nobleza for a Day ♥

Since I was young, it has always been my dream to one day be able to serve a full-time mission. My father, when he was still a stake president, often told the sisters “Between marriage and mission, choose the former.” However, he would give a different advice to me: “Giulia, if the right person has not yet come, don’t hesitate. SERVE.”
I will be turning 21 this year and my desire to serve a mission is still burning. I enjoy seeing people’s lives change because of the gospel (the sweetest and most delicious above all, as my best friend calls it). President David O. McKay’s quote “Every member a missionary” is special to me. Heavenly Father is so loving for He often provides me opportunities to be a missionary. He gave me one of the most special opportunities yesterday.
During our Ward Coordination Meeting with the Elders 2 weeks ago, Brother Villa of the High Council suggested that we have a One Day Mission. He said that by doing so, we’ll hit two birds with one stone: first, we’ll be able to “rescue” those less active members and second, we’ll have the chance to experience being a missionary for a day. It was agreed we will hold it on a Saturday. Everybody was way giddy for Saturday to come.
When Saturday came, I prepared the things I needed. Preach my Gospel, check. Journal, check. Scriptures, check. I also evaluated my appearance. The guidebook said “Be minimal with make-up” and “Choose clothes that are simple but presentable.” For once, I decided to abandon my heels and dresses and settled for flats, a simple skirt and a comfortable blouse. It was refreshing and I feel so sister-missionary-ish. :).
After we were assembled by the Elders, they assigned companionships. Tadaan, the best part of yesterday was my best friend and I were paired! It was quite funny since she’s a member for only 6months and there she was, about to preach the gospel! The missionaries made us choose between investigators and less-active members. Chaelyn (my best friend) and I chose the latter. The Elders then gave us names to tract in a certain area. The Elders then told us (there were 2 companionships: ours and one composed by two priesthood holders) “Let’s see who will be able to reactivate more. The elders or the sisters?” And so, we set forth.
The first member we visited was Sister Carlyn Educalan. She’s been with me in Young women and has not been coming to church for 2 years. We were quite nervous when we reached her home. We taught her about the Atonement. She was really listening and I felt the Spirit. My companion throws such mind-reflecting questions and I was really grateful for that. We asked her if she wanted to come to Church with us the next day. She was quite hesitant but she said yes. SHE SAID YES. I dunno if it was appropriate but I went “Oh myyyy goooosssshhhh! Realllllyyyyyy????!!!!” She laughed. I was very happy.
We had a great start. However, as a missionary, you have to face some bitter episodes. We had two of them. When we went to the house of one particular sister, we greeted her with
“(super wide beam insert here) HELLO SISTER! WE’RE FROM THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS! How are you? We would love to ——” 
“Oh, no, not now. Please not now. I can’t let you teach me now ‘coz of conflicts! Please, just go. Conflicts. Yes, thank you. *closes gate*”
My best friend and I were quite caught off guard. I just smiled and then started to walk. “Gee, that just saddened me”, she said, “now I know how missionaries feel when they’re rejected.” “Yeah, I guess that’s really part of it. Let’s just hope we’ll have luck with our next appointment.” I told her.
Luck, we did not have it. A little blessing, yes. The sister said she really would love to listen to us but she’s waiting for someone. She asked us to go back at 3 PM.
After having two canceled teachings and 40 minutes spare time, we decided to ask some members living in the area if they know some less active members. One sister told us she knows a certain sister named Sister Alohito. Nice, I thought, we’ll have another teaching! She gave us the sister’s address and we went there. Little did we know that Sister Alohito and Sister Mati-ong (whose name was also on the list given by the Elders) are one. We kinda laughed at it and just decided everything has a purpose.
Sister Mati-ong listened to us. She was such a graceful lady. She was once a Relief Society teacher and there she was sitting and listening to two young ladies who are teaching her of the things she knows. Still, we taught her the Atonement. We told her we would love to see her back. She said that she always have plans to go to church every Sunday but there will always be hindrances. We told her that we will pray that those hindrances will not bother her anymore. She said she would come to church.
We left her home really glad. Another one committed to come to church! We checked our watches and discovered we still have 40 minutes free. We wondered what we should do. Uhh, OYM (Open Your Mouth) to other people? There were people around and they’ve been yelling at us “Hey! Sisters! Do you have a boyfriend? Hey!!!” so yeah, we dropped the OYM idea. We continued to walk the streets of our assigned area still wondering when I saw the sister of one of my less-active young woman friends! How could I ever forget to tell the missionaries about her? Yes, Rhona Ubbarra! Indeed, every thing has a purpose! :) I asked her sister if she was home and she said yes and suggested that we visit her. We discovered she was not feeling well but she nevertheless welcomed us and she listened to us. We taught her about the Atonement and we asked her if she is experiencing dark moments in her life and if she believes the Atonement can heal her unseen wounds. She said she believes in that very much but she’s just hesitant to come back because it’s been so long since she’s been to church. We assured her that she’s always welcome and we anticipate her return. Honestly, I missed her terribly since we had fun times during our Young Women days. 
After we were done teaching her, Chaelyn (my ever smart, ever inspired best friend) suggested that we visit Geneva. We went to her home and invited her. She said she’s gonna come.
We went back to the chapel, had some extremely delicious yet absolutely SPPPIIICCCCCYYYY-with-an-S Bicol Express made by Elder Albalate. We talked, discussed some points we need to improve and planned for the next discussions for the afternoon.
The next area assigned to us was near the chapel. Just 300 meters away, I guess. My companion and I decided to just walk. While we were walking, we kept saying “I feel like I’m a real missionary!” since missionaries are experts in walking. What made the experience even more realistic is that we, unconsciously, talk only about missionary work. The passengers from vehicles passing by would call “Sisters! Hello, Sisters!” and we would beam so wide. I still smile now while remembering it. Two girls. With scriptures. In their Sunday’s Best! We really are sister missionaries. HA.
Our first appointment that afternoon was with a sister named Apple Baylon. She’s 19 and she’s been inactive for 2 years. She said she was hesitant to come back because of some things she has done. She worries about the things members will say against her. We assured her that she is loved by many and she’s a great dance teacher who had helped us for so many times in every dance presentation. We were absolutely smiling so big when she said in a sure voice “I WILL GO TO CHURCH TOMORROW, PROMISE!!!”
It is still a wonder for me why every time we have success, the next would make us feel quite sad. We visited a woman later that afternoon who has not been to church for the past 12 years. It makes me sad to know that her reason was because she was offended. I won’t say the reason but yes, she was hurt by what someone said. We told her that if she will let the Atonement heal her hurt, she will feel it. We were never insistent, though. We were afraid we might hurt her feelings. We told her we will help her pray about it.
We only had limited time during the afternoon since there was a baptism. We went back to church and we reported our experiences, our successes, our observations, the concerns of the less active members and the proposed solutions. The other companionship did very well, too. They focused mainly on OYM-ing people. 
I was very tired when we arrived home. It was puzzling, though, that I never felt any tired feeling while walking for hours. Ha. Chaelyn texted me “All these tiredness will wash away once I see them tomorrow.” 
Sunday came. I prepared early and fetched Carlyn (I promised her I would). We arrived at the chapel and I was welcomed by Elder Albalate with “Sister Apple Baylon’s here!!!” OH MY GOSH, SHE REALLY CAME! I accompanied Carlyn to the pew where Apple’s sitting so that she’ll have someone with her. Chaelyn and my sister and other young women sat beside them which made me really glad. :). There are 2 who also promised they will come but they were still not there.
When the conducting officer started to speak, I saw Geneva enter the hall. I smiled at her. Where’s Sister Mati-ong? Guess she’s not coming. While I was conducing the opening hymn, there she came! My best friend’s head jerked to make sure it really was Sister Mati-ong. Elder Albalate’s head turned to me and his eyes were wide open. I saw Chaelyn smiling so hard. All of these factors awakened the mushy side of me. Right then and there, in the middle of “Sweet Hour of Prayer”, I cried. I could not believe it! They came! It was hard to sing and I am pretty sure some members were wondering why I was crying but i could not care less. They came! I could not explain the happiness I felt. It was as if something warm and buttery was poured to my heart. It was hard to speak. I never sang a single word until the song ended. That was the kind of happiness I always want to feel. Just indescribable.
There were Relief Society sisters who told us “Thank you, now Sister Mati-ong’s back!” I think we deserve only 10% of the credit. It was Heavenly Father’s guiding hand. It was His tender mercy. It is in His plan. We’re just lucky to be made instruments in His hands.
What did I learn from this experience? True happiness - the real un-evanescent feeling - will only be acquired through serving others with all our heart, might, mind and strength. I believe that each and every one of us should take part in the rescuing of those that are lost. For, if “you bring one soul unto Him, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of our Father.” I know this to be really true. 
Missionary work is indeed the work of the Lord.

Since the beautiful Tuvee asked me to post a picture, I decided to post one. Pardon me if I was not able to take some photos. I dunno, it just never entered in my mind to take some. Weird, really considering that I am a camera monster. Oh well. So, here’s a photo of me in my very crumpled missionary outfit. This was taken after I arrived home. Oh, and look at my shoes. Talk about DUST. Haha.

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