Linggo, Mayo 6, 2012

A Reading of Alfred Noyes' "The Highwayman"

My Mama's the first fan of this poem. Then, my sister followed. When I read and listened to one reading of it, I fell in love. Here is my version of reading the beautiful tragic poem of Alfred Noyes.

Sabado, Mayo 5, 2012

How to Really Have the Power to Wow

One TV advertisement's tagline goes this way "The Power to Wow". Of course, considering it's a skin product, it delivers the message that someone needs to have white and fair skin in order to acquire that power. How about us morena girls? Don't we have the power to wow? :)

For me, the real "power to wow" does not only settle for skin deep factors. No. It's more than that. It's all about one person's over-all personality, one person's bearing. Here are some things that can boost your "power to wow". :)

1.) Feed your mind.

Girls, don't be someone who only talks about shopping, shoes, bags, clothes, make up and boys boys boys. Guys, don't be proud of the fact that you can master the language of DoTA and Counter Strike (girls aren't really into blood and shooting and killing). 

Be educated. Choose to be smart. Love learning. Thirst for knowledge. Read about various topics from health to politics. Isn't it amazing when you can relate to a certain topic one person is talking about? That person will definitely say "Wow, this person has a bright mind".

Read good books. Increase your vocabulary. There's a popular saying that goes like this: "Good grammar will bring you to great places". Don't just beautify your outer appearance. Beautify your mind as well. :)

2.) Tap, develop and share your talents.

One anime that I really love (Skip Beat) opened with "Before someone's born, God gives them a box. It will be unopened for a time. But there will come a time that that box will finally be unlocked." Those words send us a message that everyone HAS a talent. Yes, let me emphasize that. EVERYONE HAS A TALENT. Don't believe that you don't have one. Sometimes, it's just there in the corner waiting for you to tap it. Discover what your talents are. You could be good at singing, dancing, cooking, baby sitting, making people laugh or you have a genuinely caring heart. After discovering your talent, develop it. Practice, practice, practice. :) 

The final step is to share it. This is where the real "wow" factor takes effect. When you share your talent, people will appreciate you. People will say "Dang, that person's not only smart but also talented." Sharing also means you teach other people how you tapped, discovered, and shared your talent. :)

3.) Be spontaneous and creative and fun.

I love that adjective! SPONTANEOUS. That means you can be prim and proper, fun, wacky, adventurous!     For me, it's really a "Wow" if someone is fun and always ready for adventure. Although being prim and proper is important, you also need to sometimes let your hair loose, be relaxed, play like a kid, and never worry about poise. :). People will say "Wow, he/she is fun!" Have you seen Angel Locsin's Whisper (or was that Modess?) commercial? She went on a date with someone. Her date's car broke down. She smiled at him and said "Commute? Go!" Then they went walking, running and ended up eating fish ball. The guy said "wow, she's different!" 

Be versatile. Be a lady. Be a gentleman. But don't forget to have fun. :)

4.) Live a good life.

When you take in good things, you will radiate good things. Don't settle on being "young, wild and free". Be different. Be good. Be kind to people. Be a true friend. Have some spiritual source in your life. Develop a good relationship with our Father in Heaven. Always choose to follow Him than to please your peers. :). Make good choices because they will definitely determine your future. When you are living a good life and you are choosing good choices, it will radiate in your aura and people will say "Wow, there's something different about him/her". And the bottom line? You're not only attracting people, you are also happy. :)

Even though physical beauty is important, always remember that deep beauty is more attractive. Having a deep reservoir of knowledge, talent, spontaneity, and goodness is definitely something that can make people say "WOW!" Now, isn't that quite a power? ;)

Martes, Mayo 1, 2012

Me Want Teddy Bear

I am a sucker for teddy bears. No, not those small, you-can-place-on-your-bedside, midget teddy bears. I have always wanted a huuugggeee teddy bear. I really would like to buy one someday.

(I can hear Alona saying "You are a SINGER. A SIINNGGGERRR!")

Pardon my lack of art skills but this is pretty much the kind of teddy bear I want. :). Life size. Where you can hug it and it can really hug you bag with its big furry arms.

I think this extreme love for huge teddy bears started when my best friend (Jibsy) and I went to Gaisano Kabankalan and I saw this really fluffy, huge, cream-colored teddy bear. It has eyes that seemed to say "Won't you take me home?" I would have bought that bear but P3500 five years ago is a large amount of money and that's what I lack. So, I just sighed and left the cutie-patootie bear. I then made a "well-kinda-promise" to myself that if I get paid someday, I'll save some to buy myself this beary bear. :)

However, I think it's nice is someone will be sweet (hello future boyfriend) enough to buy me one. But I don't think allowing someone to spend that amount of money on you is fair. :). So yeah, scratch that. :)

Teddy bear, just 5 more year and we'll finally have each other. :D

My YSA Darlings

What do you get if you combine all the Young Single Adults? A havoc. Fun havoc. :)

I spent all of my today together with my really amazing YSA friends. During the morning, we went to the chapel to register online in the New Family Search. We had fun! We were still in the chapel when the missionaries arrived. We invited them to have lunch with us and they did join.

After our lunch, we went to play some board games, took a rest for a while, then proceeded to watch a very inspiring movie "Pursuit of Happiness".

When the movie ended, we met with the missionaries again for a Family Home Evening in the Antonio Family. Spent two and a half hours of laughing and playing and sharing testimonies. :)

It rained the whole day but it is undeniable that we really enjoyed this holiday. Truly, with my friends, I can bravely say "What, life? Me boyfriend-less? Challenge accepted!" :D

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