Biyernes, Hunyo 22, 2012

Modesty's Importance

Dear Girls,

Can you do me a favor? Let's all try to be more on the modest side.

Sister Elaine Dalton referred to the women as "guardians of virtue". Let us all be worthy to have that title. Let us be modest. Let us help the guys and support them in being virtuous.

Lately, I have observed that not-so-appropriate-clothes are worn by girls to Sunday services or church activities. Some may dismiss it as "okay" and "harmless" and "it does not matter if it's a little tight as long as it's not sleeveless". It may look fashionable and you may feel way pretty wearing it but it will not help us in fulfilling our roles as guardians of virtue. 

Be a girl who knows that modesty is a protection and you're not doing this only for yourself but for other people as well. Remember that guys look up to girls who know how important modesty is.

There are guys who are close to us. We have guy classmates. We love them. We have our friends in the Young Men, in the YSA and Missionaries are also special to us. To show how much we love them, let's help them be the best that they can be. Let's be modest.

Huwebes, Hunyo 21, 2012

Date a Guy Who Reads the Bible

Date a guy who reads the Bible. Date the shy boy who quotes Bible verses out-of-the-blue. He's the one who does not hesitate to bring a bulky book wherever he goes.

Find someone who knows the story of Adam and Eve by heart. He knows why it is very important to be loyal to one woman. This is the guy who already writes down what qualities he needs to have in order to serve his children and wife well.

He is the one who knows he should never settle for less. He got that idea from Isaac and Rebekah. He's willing to wait for the right girl.

He understands that sometimes, bad things happen for a reason. He knew that from Jacob and Esau's story.

Date the guy who has been inspired by Jacob and Rachel's love story. That guy understands that if a person really loves someone, time and sacrifices are nothing. This is the guy who's willing to wait for you no matter what.

This is the guy who handles the world's unfairness with the optimism of Joseph of Egypt. His positive-outlook is contagious. He will be the one to help you during the times that you feel like bursting with anger.

Do not worry if he sometimes laughs at his weaknesses. He knows they are essential for his development. He recognizes this because of Moses.

Date a guy who reads the Bible. He will write you the most beautiful love letters and poems. He's been getting some inspiration from King David.

Date the guy who will look at you like you're Esther. He will choose you above all even if there are so many others who are more beautiful. You will be like a Queen.

The guy who reads the Bible is never boring. He will surprise you with his understanding about Isaiah and he will serenade you with words from Psalms and Proverbs.

Date the guy who knows Jesus Christ and strives to follow His examples. Do not make him choose between you and his faith for a guy who reads the Bible is like Joshua of old. He knows whom he should really serve.

This guy may not be very attractive to many but a certain aura will be his advantage. His eyes glow, his countenance shines.

When you grow old, this guy will hold your hand and tell you of his latest Bible discovery.Listen to him. You will be enriched. You will sometimes laugh. But as you look back to your years together, you will be grateful that you have someone who gave you comfort during the most trying times.

So girls, date a guy who reads the Bible and you'll know you have found yourself a keeper. :)

Or better yet, date a guy who reads the Bible and who lives what he reads. :)

Miyerkules, Hunyo 20, 2012

Date a Guy Who is Close to Your Parents

Date a guy who is close to your parents. He is the one who never feels intimidated by your parents and who talks to them like they're his long time friends. He is this guy who knows that the persons that are important to you should be treated with great importance also.

Find someone who will know your parents' deepest wishes for you and he will strive to never fail them. You will sometimes get jealous when he gives a lot of his attention to your parents but don't worry, it's just a sign that he is comfortable with them. He will talk to your dad about serious stuff and sometimes about you. He will impress him with his vast knowledge of things. He will easily win your mother's heart for he will never fail to give a compliment every now and then. You may think he is only doing these things to impress you but you will change your mind for as you watch him talking animatedly to your mom and dad, you will know he's having the time of his life.

Date a guy who worries about what your parents would say. You know that a guy respects and cares a lot for you when he values your parents' trust.

He will amuse you in many ways. He wonders what to bring to your family every time. He's the guy who is adored by your siblings. Once he's in your home, he will include every one in the conversation and every one enjoys. 

This is the guy who will not have second thoughts in properly asking you from your father. Though both of them are close, he will still have jitters. He knows too well how much of a favor he is asking for he knows how much your father loves you.

Date a guy who knows how much your parents adore you. This is the guy who will make sure you're never taken for granted because he knows how great of a treasure he has, he knows you're the Princess of a King and a Queen.

Linggo, Hunyo 17, 2012

A Single Girl's Happiness in the Church

I find comfort and peace in the predictability of my life today. I must admit that I am happy even though I don't live in a place where life is simple and peaceful. I find joy in just savoring the serenity of the afternoons and going home early.

"Owwws?! That's boring!!! That's all you do?"

Well, not really. One thing I am really grateful in my life today is my membership in the Church. As a single young woman, I am thankful for its activities that help us enjoy and develop ourselves. My involvement in the church has bring me such joy. I am always excited for Tuesday Family Home Evenings with the Young Single Adults. Saturday is always an early weekend for me because of Community Service Projects. Reactivation days give us an unusual glow. Sunday,well, that's the day that we always wish it could be extended by a few hours.

I have found my second family in the church. In here, I knew my not-biological-but-special brothers and sisters. :)

I just love this Church. It truly brings indescribable happiness to us. It's true that living in my town could be boring but with the church, I know I will always have fun. :)

Martes, Hunyo 12, 2012

Why I Scream "Beat the Heat!" :)

I grew up in a house where basketball is never out of the daily conversation. My dad was a player in his HS team and both of my brothers play the game. Our CD racket has stacks of basketball videos of Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics, San Antonio Spurs, Miami Heat, LA Lakers and many more. Sometimes the videos are so old -- even back to the time when their basketball shorts are so sexy. Hahaha. I know who Larry Bird is, why Magic Johnson is famous, why Michael Jordan shifted his attention to baseball once, why Tim Duncan was once a swimmer, so on and so forth. Through the years, I can say that I have the "Celtic Pride". While everyone else is going for LA or Heat, I cheer for the Celtics. There are only a few who still cheers for them now. Once, my choice of teams is affected by my brothers' or father's opinion. Right now, I think I finally have my own. One of it is this : I dislike (not hate) Miami heat.

"But why? You're nuts!" you might say. It's not that I really don't appreciate their skills and their absolutely almost-invincible line up. I know they're good but I just don't like them. As I thought about the question "Why", here's what I came up to:

1.) Let me see some team spirit, pretty please?

When Chris Bosh and LeBron James became part of the Miami Heat, everyone was "Oh yeah! A winner, baby!" Three intimidating superstars. Who wouldn't go for a team like that, right? Well, after I have seen some of their plays and heard (and read) that all the praises and trust go to LeBron James, I was like "Is this Miami's team? Or Lebron's?"

The game is always focused on James here, James shoots there, James dunks, James saves the Heat! James James James. I want to see the team spirit, I want to see a basketball superstar who knows how to share the spotlight with other members of the team. With James, when he gets the ball, the ball is only his. I don't like it.

Michael Jordan was also a superstar but what I really like about him is that he wants his team, above else, to be known as the Bulls and not only as the "Michael Jordan Team".

My heart also goes to Wade- who does all the job in the fourth quarter because James' knees start to buckle  during crunch time- because he shoots and scores yet does not get enough recognition for his efforts.

2.) Too many superstars.

Chris Bosh. Wade. James. Too much show. 'Nuff said.

3.) Bandwagon Fans

I don't want to be just a "Bandwagon Fan". These are fans who just put their bets on the Heat because the team is "promising", "sure to win", "invincible", "star-studded" and there was even one who told me "because their coach is a Filipino". Funny reasons to be a fan.

There are also some fans who never had a status about basketball before and then when the Finals come, they'd post "Heat wins! You can't beat us, losers!" Oh yeah? Since when did you become such a huge Heat or basketball fan? Do you even know where the 3-point line is?

I want to be a fan who really knows the stats, the skill of the player, the player's capacity to utilize his teammates. I don't want to become a fan just because "the coach is a Filipino". Hahaha.

I love the feeling of cheering for underdogs. A team that makes the whole world conclude that "Heat will beat them" and then proceeds to show the world that their opinions are wrong.. It is elating. Remember the Mavericks-Heat game? Yeah, that was awesome. :). Too many "bandwagon fans" were disappointed. HAHA.


I don't root for any specific team. Sure, my heart really belongs to the Spurs and Boston Celtics but if they're out of the game, Heat's opponent is my team! :D :D :D :D

Linggo, Hunyo 10, 2012

Confidence Booster Tip # 1: Mirror Pep Talk

You know who you can best depend on to boost your confidence? None other than yourself. :)

After waking up, I would go to the mirror with messy hair, no make-up face and all and would say "Hey, I'm pretty. Look how my hair's curls look! So natural and mmmmm, classy. Oh, look how my face glows! And my eyes! They're smiling!" Then I give myself a big smile.

I do the same thing after dressing up and applying make up. I would go to the mirror again, smile bigger and tell myself "Time to go, pretty girl". 

I don't know what kind of magic that does but it gives wonders to my confidence. I do FEEL beautiful! I feel good inside. Do you know that the difference between "looking" and "feeling" beautiful is of great importance? You may "look" beautiful but without you really "feeling" it, it won't really be that evident. A popular saying goes like this "Feel beautiful, look beautiful." 

You don't really need a branded wardrobe or a bunch of expensive make-up to feel beautiful. Feeling beautiful comes from the inside. Your faith and belief that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. That faith brings out the aura of beauty in you. I have seen really pretty girls who always have a smug look on their face. Sometimes you can see them looking at other girls and checking out their outfit. If you don't feel beautiful, no matter how beautiful your clothes are or how chic and class your make up is, you will still be insecure and that aura of beauty will cease to shine.

It's never too late to have a beauty pep-talk with yourself in front of the mirror. Never forget to give your reflection the biggest smile and never fail to remind her that she is beautiful. Unlike the Queen from Snow White who delights in knowing that she outshines the other girls when it comes to beauty, face the mirror with this kind of message "Mirror Mirror on the wall, you don't have to answer who's the fairest of them all. I know within myself that I hold true beauty. Now help me shine all day by smiling with me." :)

Linggo, Hunyo 3, 2012

Guys and Hyperboles

Right now, I'm sitting in front of the computer with my left hand on my chin and grinning like a love-struck kindergarten kid.

I've been reading "Letters to Crushes" for the past forty minutes. It's a website where anonymous people can write down their secret feelings, their perfect love stories or love lives that ended up tragically. Almost 60% of the letters are addressed to clueless persons who inspired the writers. What really made me smile a lot were the letters describing the writer's love interest. One goes like this:

"His eyes are green with specks of yellow. The sun gets jealous when he smiles."

As I go through reading the other letters, a thought came into my mind: "Do guys also write cheesy descriptions like these?" If yes, then, I'm really interested what a certain male-o would write about me. Will he say:

"Her eyes are dark with specks of brown, and they are cradled by her hard-earned eye bags." 


"Her hair is long and so dark that the ravens are jealous. The waves of curls makes a canton noodle straight with envy."

or perhaps

"Her skin tone makes the fair ladies say '30 minutes in a tanning machine was a lie!'"

I really wonder what he would write down. I know not all guys have Shakespeare's colorful imagination and most of them are allergic to hyperboles. :). Although an oldy-but-goody "She's my best friend, my heart, my soul" is perfect, a little creativity in describing me would be so much appreciated. I'm vain, I know. :D


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