Miyerkules, Setyembre 5, 2012

Dateable: Are you? Are They? :)

If you're shopping and a particular item caught your eye and you decided to buy it there and then, you might be a compulsive buyer. But, if you're living on student allowance, you might spend loads of time just thinking whether you'll buy that item or not. You use 30 minutes just to convince yourself that the item is worth it. That's me most of the time. Oftentimes, I'd leave the shop without buying. However, there was a time I decided to plunge. And I'm still happy I did. :)

It was a fine evening and my roommates and I decided to go to the mall to buy some random stuffs. Like me, the two girls I'm with (Lorelyn and Genevie) are also very thrift when it comes to spending. Without seeing anything that's worth our money, we decided to go to Book Sale. Book Sale is a store here in the Philippines that sells second hand books at affordable prices. After a few minutes of scanning, a book caught my attention. The title "DATEABLE: Are you? Are they?" grabbed me like 'whoa!' I took the book and scanned it. Written on its precious pages are advice for teenagers about most of the things they need to know about the opposite sex. For a 17 year old girl, it was love at first sight. I decided then and there that I would buy it.

........until I saw the price. P200! (Okay, now, for a student who's living on a P1500/week allowance, her budget has no room for a P200 book). 

I was like "No! I need to buy this one!" 

My brain said "but it's P200. That's 4 meals and 5 sachets of shampoo!" 

I must admit I resorted to sourgraping. 

"Tsk, naah, this book must not really be so great" I randomly opened it and I saw a page that shouts "How to increase your Dateability!"

"Nope, this is not worth my P200!" I then started to scan through other pages and saw words like "Guys Will Lie", "Girls Will Lie", "If I Will do it for You, I Will do it to You" "What does he say when you're not around?" The more pages I flipped, the more I became convinced that I should buy the book. I took a deep breath, went to the cashier, and paid for the book.

It's been 4 years since that day and up to now I have no regrets that I bought Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco's "Dateable" book. I always think it's Heavenly Father's blessing to me. I was a young girl in a big city full of boys. I was clueless and felt like the 16-going-on-17 girl from the Sound of Music. The book helps me A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex.

This book has helped not only me but also four other girls who once had this in their possession. Whenever I hear a girl clamoring about a boy, I would tell her "Hhhmmm, I have a book I would let you borrow. It would help you decipher the baboon (JK)." I wish all the girls will have the chance to read this book. There are a lot of realities listed in here and if girls would only take time to read them, they'll have a better perspective.

My family also fell in love with "Dateable". Even my father said it's a great guidebook to use as a resource for speaking to the youth. Because of our love for it, my Mama bought this book:

Yes, after Dateable, Hayley DiMarco wrote a book together with her husband. The book's entitled "Marriable". This book is a "let's-get-down-to-business" masterpiece. This biblio tells us that after being Dateable, the next step is to learn how to be "Marriable". Also, I guess it implicitly reminds us that we SHOULD get married. We're not forever gonna stay in the dating scene. :)

These are really AMAAAZZZIINNGGG reads and I am lucky I got a hold of these. I feel like Alma of the Book of Mormon. If only I were an angel, I would definitely share the things I got from these books to other people so that they'd know as well. But I'm just a mere blogger who can only write and hope that the next time you see these books in a shop, you will never hesitate to buy it. :)

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