Lunes, Setyembre 3, 2012

Heart Break?! Piece o' Cake!

Whitney Houston once asked this question: "Where do broken hearts go? Can they find their way home back to the open arms of a love that's waiting there?"
I, myself, am wondering about that. How does a broken heart heal? Or, what does a person do to lessen and alleviate the pain? How can one cope up in the easiest way? Everyone has their own way of mending a bruised and shattered heart. However, no matter what strategy one has, it's still undeniable that getting over a heart break is quite not listed in "Top 10 Easiest Things to Do!"

Out of curiosity, I tried to ask 3 people about how they ease the sting of a break-up or a disappointing love story. Let me introduce them to you first.

First is we have "The Girl with Tons of Suitors". She's in her mid 20's and she is absolutely stunning. She is also smart, fashionable and funny. With these qualities, some might think that heartbreak is not really for her. However, she also knows about the "pains brought about by love". When I randomly asked her how she gets over disheartening situations, she told me "I would drink a lot of Coke, eat loads of chocolates and tell myself it's not very often that I experience a broken heart. I must treasure the feeling. I just tell myself 'Whatever will be will be' and I eventually feel better..." She jokingly added "I know I sound like a masochist." I think I agree with her "que cera cera" philosophy. Sometimes, we tend to plan ahead of everything else and then expectations will start and when expectations aren't met, hearts are shattered. If we learn to live life without expecting too much, it will be less stressful. :)

The second person I interviewed was a young mom. When she was a teen, she was the Queen Bee. Bee's knees, I should say. Pretty, intelligent and confident. I knew since we were teens that the only guy she seriously adored was her first love (her husband now). When I asked her how she copes up with bitter, broken feelings, she said "I usually spend two days in isolation. I would stay inside my room most of the time and would drown myself in my tears. I listen to really sad love songs so that I would be able to cry. After crying, I would feel a whole lot better. Then, after two days of just staying inside, I would pamper myself to a spa, have my nails manicured, have a total beauty treatment. I want to show him that the break up did not really affect me and I'm still beautiful even without him..." True that. It's a given that having someone to love can bring happiness but it should not make us lose our love for ourselves. I guess that's the best way to start the "moving on" process: loving yourself first.

The last person I inquired about was someone of my age. We grew up together and I've seen how positive she is in life. Also, I have seen her cry. She's single now. I don't think she has any plans to have a boyfriend anytime soon. When I asked her "What did you do during those times when you were devastated because of a failed love story?" She laughed and answered me "You should know it isn't easy. Of course, you can't get over it for just one day. You need to take one day at a time. There were times that I felt so down and hopeless. What I did is I knelt and prayed to Heavenly Father. I poured out my heart to Him. Whenever I felt heavy inside, I would just talk to Him. After quite some time, the tears stopped. It's natural that you will miss the person and the things you did together. What's different is that although you might miss him, you can now move on without him. Heavenly Father listens. You are His daughter. A Father won't allow His daughter to just be taken for granted..." (Agreed. This is what I also believe in. Heavenly Father only wants the best for His daughters and sons. Maybe that person isn't really best for her.)

One of my favorite quotes bears this message: "A heartbreak is a message from God that He saved you from the wrong one..." Yes, I know that heartbreaks are not really easy but when you slowly start to fight and move on, the pain will lessen. You would also start to look at it as a blessing in disguise. It will help you. Annnnd, the best part, make you grow. :)

(DISCLAIMER: I don't usually ask weird questions like this. Hehehe) :)

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