Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

My Letter for the Young Girls

Dear young girls,

Being a teenager is fun. In fact, I can consider it as the most vibrant chapter in one's life. Being a teen means having all the energy, the time and the opportunity in the world. Teen life is the first step to the real world.

I have been a teen, too; and I can say that my journey towards adolescence wasn't really very easy. Like you, I always had self-esteem issues because I did not have the fair, white complexion nor the really soft and silky hair all the beauty magazines feature. I once felt very ugly, very insignificant. There was even a time that I started to question "Am I beautiful?"

But I have good news, dear girls. I overcame that stage. I can say I am better now compared to the timid, unsure 13 year old. All of this change haVE been brought about by some of the truths I learned and discovered in my teenage years.

Girls, did you know that you are a precious being here on earth? Do you realize that Someone up there is mindful of you every day of your life? Yes, girls. You are precious in Heavenly Father's sight. Why is that so? It is because you are His daughter. And what does that make you? Yes, a princess. Again, A PRINCESS! Isn't that quite something? Always remember that, girls. You are a daughter of a Most Powerful Being. You're not insignificant. You are amazing in every way. You may have morena skin? So what? :) You don't have a long silky hair? What's the advantage, anyway? :). Heavenly Father will love you still. The devil wants you to feel that you are a nobody. Don't let him confuse you, girls.

Did you know that more than the physical beauty, young men are attracted to girls who radiate deep beauty that comes from living a righteous life? You can be attractive even without all the tons of make up on your face. Young men will be more drawn to you if they see that your beauty is not just skin deep. If they see that you are intelligent, modest, friendly, charitable, happy, bubbly and with a great sense of humor, they'll be more smitten. Do not settle on being just "pretty" or "dainty". Beautify not only your face but your mind and spirit. Smile always, be friends with those who are alone, read good books, share what you learn and always be humble.

Girls, always remember that a pretty face is not a license to demean other people.

Girls, did you know that boys will respect you more if you also respect your self?

Girls, modest is hottest.

Girls, do not settle for anything less.

Girls, do not be tired of waiting for Mr. Right. The Lord will give Him to you when the right time comes. While waiting, improve yourself so that you'll be ready when he comes. Do not think that not having a boyfriend means you are ugly or unwanted. Enjoy the single life.

Girls, do not enter into a relationship when you're still very young. You are prone to temptations when you do so. Develop friendship first. In fact, a beautiful love story starts with friendship.

Girls, this advice is not old fashioned: BOYS ASK GIRLS ON A DATE and not the other way around. Stay classy. Do not be too vocal of your feelings. A boy who really likes you will woo you without even you shouting your feelings all over the world. Help our boys be better men, also.

Lastly, girls, make choices right now that will help you reach your happy ending. Happy endings do not belong to Disney Princesses only. You can have that, too (and yes, together with your Prince Charming). Remember girls, your choices will greatly affect your life. Do not compromise eternity for momentary pleasures.

I love you, dear girls. I want you to be happy. It is my heart's wish that all the boys will treat you as the queen you are destined to be and not just make you cry.

You are special. Please don't ever ever forget that.

From an older sister who can already see how wonderful you are,
Giulia :)

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