Huwebes, Pebrero 16, 2012

What to Do While Waiting For Mr. Right

It is every girl's dream to meet Mr. Right and to be married to him and to live happily ever after.

I, too, dream of that.

I grew up a Disney Kid and yes, I was fed by ideas that every girl has her Prince Charming that will one day sweep her off her feet. I still believe that. I really believe that. However, unlike the Disney Princessess, I did not have a prince when I was 16. Waiting, undeniably, is hard.

But cheer up! That doesn't mean you just have to mope around and complain. You are young and vibrant. You have lots of time to prepare to be the "princess" every "prince charming" wants. While he's still not around, have fun and develop yourself.

Here are some few things you need to do while you wait for him.

1.) Develop a deep love for the Lord.

You should love Him above everything else. There's a particular quote that I like that says "A girl's heart should be so hidden in God that a guy needs to search for Him first before finding her." Develop your love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Theirs is a deep unconditional love. There will be moments that you would feel alone and unwanted but if you have strengthened their love towards Them, you will be "encircled" in Their arms of mercy. Also, it is believed that "light attracts light". If you love Them above everything else, you will surely attract someone who also feels the same way.

2.) Develop a deep love for yourself.

I have always loved my Mama's advices to me. She would always tell me "You need to love yourself first before you love someone." You cannot fully love another if your own love cup is empty. When you learn to love yourself, you can give love in a healthy way and not be clingy. You will be confident. You will not allow yourself to be a "martyr". When a guy sees that you know how to also take care of yourself, he will develop respect towards you and will love you more.

3.) Do things that will increase your "likeability".

Join non-profit organizations, write in a school paper, volunteer for community service, start projects or organize events. Be interesting. My Papa would always tell me "Guys are not interested with girls who will talk about lipstick for two hours." I know it's hard not to blabber about it sometimes. Believe me, I love make-up and shopping, too. What you need is to enrich your mind. Be updated with current affairs, love the classics, be creative in your own way and always be someone who can be "engaging" in conversations. Practice listening skills. Be friendly. Smile always. :). You will leave guys wondering "Dang, that girl's something else!"

4.) Develop the traits that you want your future "Prince Charming" to have.

A great friend of mine had coined this quote "If you want to marry a King, be a Queen". He also told us what his mother said to him: "If you want to have a spouse with those amazing qualities, you must first develop them first or else, why would she want you?" That's very true. I said earlier that "light attracts light". While waiting for your "Prince Charming", take the time to develop the qualities that you want him to have. When he surprisingly appears, you will be ready to win him. :)

5.) PRAY for him. :)

It's said in the scriptures "Ask and it shall be given unto you." When the Lord says that, He means business and He is serious. List down all the things you want in a guy and earnestly pray for it. However, you have to make sure it is according to His will. If He sees it fit to His plan, He will give him to you. In fact, someone even better. Trust me! He will. :)

Ladies are wonderful beings. You might be waiting now but if you know how to prepare, you will find him. You definitely will. :)

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