Sabado, Disyembre 8, 2012

That Pendant

I was 18 when I started to get close with a really great girl. Her name is Chaelyn and she was not a member of the church. I was silently hoping and praying during those times that I would have some chance to share the gospel to her. Then, in one random moment, she asked me "Your pendant is really pretty. What's etched on it?" That was the first Church related question she asked.

Throughout the years, that question has been repeated over and over again. Some have even called me "Mara" because my pendant looks like the one she owned. I would smile and tell them "Oh, this pendant is from the church. Want to know how I got it?"

This is the pendant that I am talking about:

This is my Young Women Medallion. 

I got this when I was 18 years old. 

When a girl turns 12, she transforms from being a Primary to a Young Woman. When I was about to be turned over, Mama introduced me to the Young Women Personal Progress Program. 

(this is the old personal progress)

My Mama told me that one of the best ways to spend my young woman years is to work on this program. I had six years to finish it, six years to develop into a young woman who "progressed".

This Young Women Personal Progress helps young women in the church to develop talents, skills and knowledge that will help them "strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants and receive ordinances from the temple". The program also aims to help young women to know who they are and the great worth they have in the eyes of our Father in Heaven. There are eight values in here namely Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works and Integrity and Virtue. In this program, young women are tasked to fulfill the value experiences and projects required in each value in order for her to earn the Young Women Medallion. My mother kept on telling me it's not really about the medallion, it's about what I will learn.

Looking back, I am grateful I did give time for my Personal Progress. I did not only gain a beautiful pendant, I acquired skills that I can use when I am finally a wife and a mother. :)

There was one time when our Religious Education teacher asked me to share my beliefs in front. While I was entertaining questions, Chaelyn stood up and said "You see the pendant she's wearing? She got it from a young women's program in her church. Isn't that nice?"

Chaelyn is now a member of the Church and just celebrated her 1st year last August 6, 2012. She's one strong young woman and she's even more diligent with missionary work than I. I am way proud of her.

She's also currently working on her Personal Progress. I know if she finishes well, she will also be able to bless many lives.

Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2012

A Message to all Morena Girls

Dear Morena girls,

How many times have you looked at your image in the mirror and said "I will never be as pretty as the fair skinned girls on TV"? How many moments have you sulked in self-pity because your crush said he prefers girls with a fair complexion? Can you still recall the last time you wish you were whiter because the media tells you morena is not really "in"?

I speak from experience. I, too, am a morena. Too often, I have seen TV commercials that rejoice in the fact (and lies) that their products can transform a brown-skinned girl into a mestiza. There were countless times that I wished those products would have that effect on me. I always got zero results. As an effect, I would complain to my parents "Why am I morena?" "Why can't I be fair?!" "No one likes me because of my skin color!" My ever understanding parents would then tell me "But Giulia, you are beautiful! You are prettier than those fair skinned girls!" Those words were true but to a teenager who's inferior, it did little to alleviate my insecurity.

Going to the city was once an ordeal to me. Seeing a flood of "mapuputi" made me feel insignificant, not pretty. I didn't say it out loud during those times but I was not a very confident teenager.

It was all awful. But it changed when I decided that no one can ever tell me that morena isn't beautiful; that even though I'm not mestiza, I can still stand out.

What did I do? I started with constantly reminding myself of my worth. I am Heavenly Father's daughter! Who are they to tell me that a Princess isn't beautiful? Fair skinned or not, I am special, important, significant to my Father on High. The media might tell me again and again that I am not breathtakingly pretty but the knowledge that I am a beloved daughter of a Most Powerful Being makes me forget it.

Second, I told myself that beauty is not only skin deep. I did activities that boosted my self-worth and self esteem. I utilized my talents, I read books, I spoke my mind out when my opinion was asked. I helped in the community, I participated in church activities. I would represent in contests and I never hesitated when it came to showing talents in front of a large crowd. I also made sure that I can be of help to others. Because of these, I was appreciated not only for my looks but also for the contributions I give. I have proven that even though I'm morena, I can stand out! I can be confident! 

Third, I decided to remind myself everyday that I am beautiful. Every time I wake up, I would look into the mirror and tell my reflection "Hey, pretty! This is your day!" It did wonders to my confidence. Like what I said before, there's a big difference between "knowing" and "believing". Constantly reminding myself that I am beautiful made me feel that I am beautiful. I am no longer inferior of my skin. :)

Lastly, surround yourself with people who loves you. I am grateful for parents and for friends in school and in the church who did a lot to make me feel pretty. They don't know it but their little compliments when I was maturing did a lot to build my confidence. Always be around people who build you up. Be with friends who see your real worth. Don't hang around with peers who belittle you. You will gain nothing from them. Be with friends, real friends, who will lift you up. They will be angels to you in the most trying "insecure" times. :) Be that kind of friend also. Give honest compliments to those who deserve them. Don't bring anyone down. I have once read that a real confident girl is the one who can see good things in others. Be that kind of girl! :)

Going to the city now (and to any event with loads of people) is not an ordeal to me anymore. I no longer feel inferior because I'm kayumanggi. In a sea of fair skinned beauties, a confident morena can stand out. 

And who ever told you you can't? ;)


A proud morena. ;)

Martes, Oktubre 23, 2012

A Big Sister's Request to the Young Girls

Dear girls,

I have once been a teenager. I know what it feels to like boys. These associations can be fun and amazing but these can also lead to some serious dilemmas. I am a big sister to two wonderful boys. This is my request to you.

I was 5 when my Mama told my sister and I that we will be having another sibling. Even now, I still can remember how thrilled I was. Every time I'm asked to pray, I would specifically ask Heavenly Father that our new baby would be a boy. I would ask the person who will offer the prayer to remind Heavenly Father of that request. Imagine how happy we all were when Liam was born. He was an answered prayer.

When I was 6, I asked Mama over dinner to buy me a Barbie doll for a Christmas gift. She smiled and told me "How about a baby brother?" In 1998, Louie was born. He was better than any Barbie doll.

Why am I telling this to you? Because I want you to know that my brothers mean a lot to me. I love them, I want them to be happy, I want them to be good boys and I want them to be pure despite all the temptations in the world. Call me a hovering sister, but I fear so much for them. The adolescent years are trying times and  I don't know what challenges and temptations they are facing. I cannot battle the adversary in behalf of my brothers. But I can ask for YOUR help.

I don't know all of you. I don't know your associations with my brothers or how you and them became acquainted. You may be girls they love, girls they adore, girls they respect and girls they have crushes on. I don't know you all personally but this request is for all the girls my brothers know: PLEASE HELP THEM REMAIN GOOD AND VIRTUOUS.

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are taught that young women are guardians of virtue. We have great power to help our young boys to be better by helping them be pure. We are Mormons and my brothers have the responsibility to serve on a mission when they reach the age of 18. You play a great part in making sure they are worthy to take this responsibility. It's their responsibility to the Lord.

What can you do to help?

Please, help them retain their sexual purity. For guys, when one male is still a virgin, you are a laughing stock. Some guys tend to believe this. Girls, please please please help my brothers know that this is not true. Help them by expressing your belief that saving one's self before marriage is never ridiculous. Be someone who is brave enough to change the topic when you think you're talking really sensitive stuff. Please be wise enough to respect yourself and my brothers.

Girls, please be modest both in appearance and in your actions. Stand firm in your decision to not engage in any physical relationship before you have a ring on your wedding finger.  Help my brothers think clean, act clean and be clean. I will forever be thankful to you. The Lord will also be thankful to you for you have not taken away from my brothers their chance of serving Him a mission.

Also, please encourage them to be the best that they can be. Please help them realize the responsibility that is in their hands. Some young men forget about their sacred responsibility. Be the kind of girl who wants what's best for my brothers.

Lastly, be brave girls. Please do it for me. Be brave enough to correct them when what they are doing is wrong. My parents could reprimand them, I could give them a pretty long sermon, but you have no idea what effect girls they respect could have on them. You could affect his decisions and his actions. Your standards will influence them. You are stars in their world, MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

I know these requests are hard and they require a lot of patience, love and complete unselfishness. But this is necessary. The Devil knows what my brothers are capable of. He is powerful. But girls, WHEN (not IF) we truly become guardians of my brothers' virtue and purity, we can fight him.

I will forever be thankful to you. My brothers' future wives will be grateful. Our Heavenly Father will be so very happy.

Help me, girls.

From a sister who is counting so much on you,

Linggo, Oktubre 7, 2012

Repentance and a Dislocated Shoulder

The physical pain I was feeling since yesterday brought to me a realization about one of the most precious gifts of all: repentance.

I woke up well and good one Saturday morning. I needed be early that day for our 7:30 Business Law Examinations. I came to school right on time and took the exams fairly okay. I did not feel anything bad.

Until the noon came.

After I had lunch, I felt pain on my right shoulder. I tried moving it in a rotating motion but everytime I did, a stinging pain would make me say "Ouuuuch". By sunset, the pain worsened. I kept recalling any incident that might have caused the misfortune but I could not think of any. Feeling like a medical doctor, I tried to massage my shoulders for I was thinking the stinging sensation must only be because of a strained muscle. As the night progressed, I found it even harder to move my right arm. Thinking that the pain would be alleviated by morning, I went to bed early with the hope that the awful state of my right shoulder will be lessened.

I was wrong. 

When I woke up, I noticed that the pain intensified and that it was now accompanied by a burning sensation. I kept clamoring to my Mama that my shoulders hurt so bad. After having enough, my Mama offered some pretty scary suggestion: "Why don't we go to someone who knows how to do some hilot? Your shoulder might need it". I shook my head and was adamant with my "I don't want to go. Hilot is painful!" (Hilot, by the way, is a traditional Filipino way of healing strained muscles and other body pains). Then she told me "it's better to experience the pain of hilot now than to endure with that shoulder for 3 more days". Then and there, I realized she was indeed right.

We went to the "manog-hilot" (one who performs the hilot) and I nervously sat on the chair waiting for him to do the excruciating process. I was afraid since I know the "manog-hilot" would twist and turn and bend my hand like it does not have any infirmity. I was sore nervous. However, I endured the pain. Afterwards, I felt nothing but little pain. I was happy to know my agony was over. I knew my shoulder's process of healing will soon begin.

I have thought about this experience and I can tell that this can be similar to our experience with repentance. There are moments in our lives that would bring about so many pains to us. Some of us would be brave enough to find ways to heal the wound immediately. Some of us would think the guilt and pain of sin will just vanish away come morning light. Some of us get disappointed and always hurt when we find out that we can't just "sleep on it". It will hurt when we discover that the pain is worse than ever. Loving family members and friends would come to us and offer us help. Help can come from them giving us strength to go to the Bishop and ask for help. Some of us would be very afraid to come and ask for spiritual help because we have already placed in our minds that the process is so painful and that the bishop might twist and turn and bend us. Some know that indeed the road to repentance is not easy. It entails a lot of pain and regret. However, I know that some people can bravely say that after the repentance process with the help of their Bishops, they felt whole. I'm sure they're happy with their choice to seek help than to procrastinate and feel sorrow for many more days. They felt at peace. They were confident that the process of healing will soon begin.

We should never take the gift of repentance for granted. This is a precious and marvelous gift. It is Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's proof of mercy and love toward us. The process might be painful but it's all worth it. Any pain felt from the sins will be gone and a peaceful feeling will envelope you and you can finally say "The healing will soon begin". :)

Miyerkules, Setyembre 5, 2012

Dateable: Are you? Are They? :)

If you're shopping and a particular item caught your eye and you decided to buy it there and then, you might be a compulsive buyer. But, if you're living on student allowance, you might spend loads of time just thinking whether you'll buy that item or not. You use 30 minutes just to convince yourself that the item is worth it. That's me most of the time. Oftentimes, I'd leave the shop without buying. However, there was a time I decided to plunge. And I'm still happy I did. :)

It was a fine evening and my roommates and I decided to go to the mall to buy some random stuffs. Like me, the two girls I'm with (Lorelyn and Genevie) are also very thrift when it comes to spending. Without seeing anything that's worth our money, we decided to go to Book Sale. Book Sale is a store here in the Philippines that sells second hand books at affordable prices. After a few minutes of scanning, a book caught my attention. The title "DATEABLE: Are you? Are they?" grabbed me like 'whoa!' I took the book and scanned it. Written on its precious pages are advice for teenagers about most of the things they need to know about the opposite sex. For a 17 year old girl, it was love at first sight. I decided then and there that I would buy it.

........until I saw the price. P200! (Okay, now, for a student who's living on a P1500/week allowance, her budget has no room for a P200 book). 

I was like "No! I need to buy this one!" 

My brain said "but it's P200. That's 4 meals and 5 sachets of shampoo!" 

I must admit I resorted to sourgraping. 

"Tsk, naah, this book must not really be so great" I randomly opened it and I saw a page that shouts "How to increase your Dateability!"

"Nope, this is not worth my P200!" I then started to scan through other pages and saw words like "Guys Will Lie", "Girls Will Lie", "If I Will do it for You, I Will do it to You" "What does he say when you're not around?" The more pages I flipped, the more I became convinced that I should buy the book. I took a deep breath, went to the cashier, and paid for the book.

It's been 4 years since that day and up to now I have no regrets that I bought Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco's "Dateable" book. I always think it's Heavenly Father's blessing to me. I was a young girl in a big city full of boys. I was clueless and felt like the 16-going-on-17 girl from the Sound of Music. The book helps me A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex.

This book has helped not only me but also four other girls who once had this in their possession. Whenever I hear a girl clamoring about a boy, I would tell her "Hhhmmm, I have a book I would let you borrow. It would help you decipher the baboon (JK)." I wish all the girls will have the chance to read this book. There are a lot of realities listed in here and if girls would only take time to read them, they'll have a better perspective.

My family also fell in love with "Dateable". Even my father said it's a great guidebook to use as a resource for speaking to the youth. Because of our love for it, my Mama bought this book:

Yes, after Dateable, Hayley DiMarco wrote a book together with her husband. The book's entitled "Marriable". This book is a "let's-get-down-to-business" masterpiece. This biblio tells us that after being Dateable, the next step is to learn how to be "Marriable". Also, I guess it implicitly reminds us that we SHOULD get married. We're not forever gonna stay in the dating scene. :)

These are really AMAAAZZZIINNGGG reads and I am lucky I got a hold of these. I feel like Alma of the Book of Mormon. If only I were an angel, I would definitely share the things I got from these books to other people so that they'd know as well. But I'm just a mere blogger who can only write and hope that the next time you see these books in a shop, you will never hesitate to buy it. :)

Lunes, Setyembre 3, 2012

Heart Break?! Piece o' Cake!

Whitney Houston once asked this question: "Where do broken hearts go? Can they find their way home back to the open arms of a love that's waiting there?"
I, myself, am wondering about that. How does a broken heart heal? Or, what does a person do to lessen and alleviate the pain? How can one cope up in the easiest way? Everyone has their own way of mending a bruised and shattered heart. However, no matter what strategy one has, it's still undeniable that getting over a heart break is quite not listed in "Top 10 Easiest Things to Do!"

Out of curiosity, I tried to ask 3 people about how they ease the sting of a break-up or a disappointing love story. Let me introduce them to you first.

First is we have "The Girl with Tons of Suitors". She's in her mid 20's and she is absolutely stunning. She is also smart, fashionable and funny. With these qualities, some might think that heartbreak is not really for her. However, she also knows about the "pains brought about by love". When I randomly asked her how she gets over disheartening situations, she told me "I would drink a lot of Coke, eat loads of chocolates and tell myself it's not very often that I experience a broken heart. I must treasure the feeling. I just tell myself 'Whatever will be will be' and I eventually feel better..." She jokingly added "I know I sound like a masochist." I think I agree with her "que cera cera" philosophy. Sometimes, we tend to plan ahead of everything else and then expectations will start and when expectations aren't met, hearts are shattered. If we learn to live life without expecting too much, it will be less stressful. :)

The second person I interviewed was a young mom. When she was a teen, she was the Queen Bee. Bee's knees, I should say. Pretty, intelligent and confident. I knew since we were teens that the only guy she seriously adored was her first love (her husband now). When I asked her how she copes up with bitter, broken feelings, she said "I usually spend two days in isolation. I would stay inside my room most of the time and would drown myself in my tears. I listen to really sad love songs so that I would be able to cry. After crying, I would feel a whole lot better. Then, after two days of just staying inside, I would pamper myself to a spa, have my nails manicured, have a total beauty treatment. I want to show him that the break up did not really affect me and I'm still beautiful even without him..." True that. It's a given that having someone to love can bring happiness but it should not make us lose our love for ourselves. I guess that's the best way to start the "moving on" process: loving yourself first.

The last person I inquired about was someone of my age. We grew up together and I've seen how positive she is in life. Also, I have seen her cry. She's single now. I don't think she has any plans to have a boyfriend anytime soon. When I asked her "What did you do during those times when you were devastated because of a failed love story?" She laughed and answered me "You should know it isn't easy. Of course, you can't get over it for just one day. You need to take one day at a time. There were times that I felt so down and hopeless. What I did is I knelt and prayed to Heavenly Father. I poured out my heart to Him. Whenever I felt heavy inside, I would just talk to Him. After quite some time, the tears stopped. It's natural that you will miss the person and the things you did together. What's different is that although you might miss him, you can now move on without him. Heavenly Father listens. You are His daughter. A Father won't allow His daughter to just be taken for granted..." (Agreed. This is what I also believe in. Heavenly Father only wants the best for His daughters and sons. Maybe that person isn't really best for her.)

One of my favorite quotes bears this message: "A heartbreak is a message from God that He saved you from the wrong one..." Yes, I know that heartbreaks are not really easy but when you slowly start to fight and move on, the pain will lessen. You would also start to look at it as a blessing in disguise. It will help you. Annnnd, the best part, make you grow. :)

(DISCLAIMER: I don't usually ask weird questions like this. Hehehe) :)

Linggo, Setyembre 2, 2012

Girl's Eye View: The Boy Pose

It's already given that girls are naturally camera fans. If they have the chance, they can take loads of pictures a day and they already have invented tons of creative poses.

I'm a girl and I love taking pictures. I mean, who doesn't? :). You can be funny in photographs and you can be somebody else. Both of these are the exact reasons why I decided to have a little photoshoot tonight.

As a Facebook user, I have also observed that the love of taking pictures isn't only limited to girls. Heck, some guys are even prettier than I. Some boys also love to take images of themselves. These are some of the poses that I have seen some guys do:

The "I'm too lazy for this but I will try" pose.

The "Yeah, dude, I got money in the bank" pose.
I have a friend who does this every time we're going to have a picture. It's important to add "swag" to the smirk.

The "I'm a little creepy. Is it okay to ask for your phone number?" pose.

The "Girl, look at my biceps! I work out!"

"My shirt is cool" pose.
Hahaha. I think this pose is the funniest.

The "Louie" pose.
Named it after my brother because he loves doing this.

The "Is the camera ready?" pose.

"Oh, a car window! Oh, a fitting room mirror! Let's take a picture" pose.

Although the way they project themselves isn't too flamboyant compared to how the girls do it, boys can still be vain ( and yes, can be prettier than girls). :)

Martes, Agosto 14, 2012

That One Friend

Have you ever had an experience where everyone is way excited and the photographer would say "Okay, now, everyone, I want you to do a candid pose for me and I don't want anyone looking at the camera. Appear as if you don't know I'm taking a picture of you. Ok, one, two, three, smiiiiiiiiile!" Everything seemed to be perfect until you see the outcome of the photo:

There's always that one friend who always doesn't get the memo. 

That one friend would be smiling while everybody else is trying so hard to project a crestfallen face.

Or that one friend who wears a blouse of a different color when you planned the day before that you will be wearing white.

My friend, Bambi, seems to be this "one friend". She would often get "what?! I just said candid!" and "You didn't follow the plan again..." and most of the time "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Hahaha.

But she makes the taking of photos more fun and exciting. This "one friend" adds spice to the picture because she's different.

Imagine if all of you decided to follow the memo. Do you think there's something you can laugh about? :)

Lunes, Agosto 13, 2012

That Time of the Month

Once a month, a girl turns into a monster.

It's not easy being a girl. If boys thinks we're complicated, they have no idea what we think about ourselves. Even us girls admit that we are sometimes hard to spell out.

...especially when "the visitor" comes.

This "visitor" loves to inflict so many emotions in a girl's heart. One moment you are happy, one moment you feel that your heart is being held on ice-cold hands. One moment you feel like dieting then eventually you find yourself looking for that pack of potato chips.

Today, the visitor decided to make me feel sad without apparent reason. Google told me that this is normal and that my hormones are just undergoing some stabilizing that usually confuses the brain. Great. Also, this morning, instead of giving 101% attention to my English teacher, I caught myself whispering to my friend "I want some leche flan. And some spaghetti. And some pizza and carbonara with mango shake..."

But honestly, I think these effects are better compared to other reactions one might give when the visitor is present. For example:

Girl 1: He texted me! He said good night to me! *giddiness level 100*
Girl 2 : (who has a crush on the guy who texted her friend) Ohh, really?! That is so sweeeet!!!! (Secret translation: Nooo way. He texted me, too. This is so heartbreaking)

Some situations that she can just easily shrug off during the normal days become more important to her during that particular time of the month.

Every time I tell my friends "I am sooo sad. I don't even know the reason why." They will then simply reply to me "Yeah, your hormones are confused" or "Tsk, PMS". :)

Girls usually don't go through an easy phase during their period. They become more emotional, more irritable and their extreme love for food goes up. Now, what can make girls more confusing? :)

Biyernes, Agosto 3, 2012

Confidence Booster #2: Exercise

Yes, people. Exercise does not only burn calories, it ignites self confidence, too. :)

When I was a freshmen in college, I lost a lot of weight because of my braces. I didn't do any dieting or exercise. It was a surprise weight loss even for me. I was happy. I fitted in my old clothes without having to worry about a belly bulge. I ate a lot and didn't gain much of a weight

until the inevitable happened

I guess our body has a natural (and very treacherous) way of dealing with eating habits. During my sophomore year, I started to gain a lot of weight. It started when we went to Cebu and ate loads of food. When I noticed I don't fit in my old uniform anymore, I shrugged it off thinking "Oh, maybe the body will decide to burn the calories itself. I'm not going to worry." But the body didn't and my sophomore year stress made me eat more junk foods. I didn't really mind people calling me "chubby" because I know it was the truth. The word never really hurt my confidence. What made me feel bad about myself is that I know I'm eating a lot of junk and I'm not stupid not to know that these junk would definitely add calories to my body. I felt "heavy" inside. I would spend a lot of time in the mirror looking at my very obvious belly bulge and then tell myself "I have to lose this. I have to. I will start exercise tomorrow." But like any other girl who promised herself an exercise, it was always postponed.

until the motivation came

There came a point when I said to myself, "Well, I need to be serious with losing weight!" I set a goal for myself. During that time, we were preparing for a Young Adult Dance. My Tita had this really beautiful dress with a slim waist and a medium armhole. I wanted to wear this to the dance, I told myself. When I tried it, ahhhh, the belly bulge grabbed the spotlight and my arms were screaming "Dang, I can't breathe!" So, I decided to finally get into serious business with trimming down.

All I did was to perform some dance exercises. For 15 minutes a day, I did some high intensity dance work-outs. I loved them. I then discovered one thing from it. When I do exercises, when I sweat, when I push myself, I feel a lot lighter (and not just physically). I felt like I was the master of myself and it comforted me that I was able to shed off some bad calories. Plus, working out gives me a natural glow. I can't even explain why. But, to cut the story short, I got my confidence again. I know I'm on my way to being lean and healthy. As a result, I got to fit into the dress. Ha!

Currently, I am active in doing various exercise depending on the time available. If I feel like it, I do Zumba, or follow some exercise videos in Youtube, but my favorite of all is Les Mill's Body Combat. It's like kickboxing. :)

There was a time when I shared the exercise to one of my classmates, Bryan. When one of our friends saw that he plans to exercise, she said "Maniwang ka man na Bry?" (trans: Will you lose weight from that?) and to that he answered "Weng, exercise is not just to lose weight. It's about feeling good about yourself!" and I agree with him!

The saying that goes "You're beautiful no matter what" is true. Nothing is wrong with being chubby or being overweight. But don't let that saying justify you for not improving yourself. Exercise and feel good. So what if you don't immediately lose weight from it? What's important is you'll feel good about yourself and that shows you're committed to become a better you. :)

Biyernes, Hulyo 6, 2012

The Beauty of Early Classes

I'm typing this with my eyelids still heavy and while waiting for the rice to cook.

It's 5:55 A.M. and I'm late for my class. Yep, I have a super early class that starts at 7:00 AM. Nope, it does not mean 7:30. It begins at 7 for my Law teacher is the most punctual ever. :).

When I learned that our Law class will start at 7 AM, I was, how do you put this, devastated? Goodbye, carefree Fridays! Goodbye long-deprived sleep! Goodbye lazy Saturdays! I have to jumpstart at 5:30 if I want to be in class on time.

However, I discovered that starting class earlier IS better. Your mind is sooo refreshed and so rejuvenated that information given to you about a particular lesson flows into your brain magically and the brain instantly stores it to the long term memory. :)

Also, another plus for early classes is that you get to see beautiful mornings. I love to see really pretty places and nature sights and an early ray of sunrise on green plants is such a sight to behold. :)

I guess the rice is already cooked. I have to take a bath now. :))

The only problem with early classes? The challenge of taking a bath. :)

Biyernes, Hunyo 22, 2012

Modesty's Importance

Dear Girls,

Can you do me a favor? Let's all try to be more on the modest side.

Sister Elaine Dalton referred to the women as "guardians of virtue". Let us all be worthy to have that title. Let us be modest. Let us help the guys and support them in being virtuous.

Lately, I have observed that not-so-appropriate-clothes are worn by girls to Sunday services or church activities. Some may dismiss it as "okay" and "harmless" and "it does not matter if it's a little tight as long as it's not sleeveless". It may look fashionable and you may feel way pretty wearing it but it will not help us in fulfilling our roles as guardians of virtue. 

Be a girl who knows that modesty is a protection and you're not doing this only for yourself but for other people as well. Remember that guys look up to girls who know how important modesty is.

There are guys who are close to us. We have guy classmates. We love them. We have our friends in the Young Men, in the YSA and Missionaries are also special to us. To show how much we love them, let's help them be the best that they can be. Let's be modest.

Huwebes, Hunyo 21, 2012

Date a Guy Who Reads the Bible

Date a guy who reads the Bible. Date the shy boy who quotes Bible verses out-of-the-blue. He's the one who does not hesitate to bring a bulky book wherever he goes.

Find someone who knows the story of Adam and Eve by heart. He knows why it is very important to be loyal to one woman. This is the guy who already writes down what qualities he needs to have in order to serve his children and wife well.

He is the one who knows he should never settle for less. He got that idea from Isaac and Rebekah. He's willing to wait for the right girl.

He understands that sometimes, bad things happen for a reason. He knew that from Jacob and Esau's story.

Date the guy who has been inspired by Jacob and Rachel's love story. That guy understands that if a person really loves someone, time and sacrifices are nothing. This is the guy who's willing to wait for you no matter what.

This is the guy who handles the world's unfairness with the optimism of Joseph of Egypt. His positive-outlook is contagious. He will be the one to help you during the times that you feel like bursting with anger.

Do not worry if he sometimes laughs at his weaknesses. He knows they are essential for his development. He recognizes this because of Moses.

Date a guy who reads the Bible. He will write you the most beautiful love letters and poems. He's been getting some inspiration from King David.

Date the guy who will look at you like you're Esther. He will choose you above all even if there are so many others who are more beautiful. You will be like a Queen.

The guy who reads the Bible is never boring. He will surprise you with his understanding about Isaiah and he will serenade you with words from Psalms and Proverbs.

Date the guy who knows Jesus Christ and strives to follow His examples. Do not make him choose between you and his faith for a guy who reads the Bible is like Joshua of old. He knows whom he should really serve.

This guy may not be very attractive to many but a certain aura will be his advantage. His eyes glow, his countenance shines.

When you grow old, this guy will hold your hand and tell you of his latest Bible discovery.Listen to him. You will be enriched. You will sometimes laugh. But as you look back to your years together, you will be grateful that you have someone who gave you comfort during the most trying times.

So girls, date a guy who reads the Bible and you'll know you have found yourself a keeper. :)

Or better yet, date a guy who reads the Bible and who lives what he reads. :)

Miyerkules, Hunyo 20, 2012

Date a Guy Who is Close to Your Parents

Date a guy who is close to your parents. He is the one who never feels intimidated by your parents and who talks to them like they're his long time friends. He is this guy who knows that the persons that are important to you should be treated with great importance also.

Find someone who will know your parents' deepest wishes for you and he will strive to never fail them. You will sometimes get jealous when he gives a lot of his attention to your parents but don't worry, it's just a sign that he is comfortable with them. He will talk to your dad about serious stuff and sometimes about you. He will impress him with his vast knowledge of things. He will easily win your mother's heart for he will never fail to give a compliment every now and then. You may think he is only doing these things to impress you but you will change your mind for as you watch him talking animatedly to your mom and dad, you will know he's having the time of his life.

Date a guy who worries about what your parents would say. You know that a guy respects and cares a lot for you when he values your parents' trust.

He will amuse you in many ways. He wonders what to bring to your family every time. He's the guy who is adored by your siblings. Once he's in your home, he will include every one in the conversation and every one enjoys. 

This is the guy who will not have second thoughts in properly asking you from your father. Though both of them are close, he will still have jitters. He knows too well how much of a favor he is asking for he knows how much your father loves you.

Date a guy who knows how much your parents adore you. This is the guy who will make sure you're never taken for granted because he knows how great of a treasure he has, he knows you're the Princess of a King and a Queen.

Linggo, Hunyo 17, 2012

A Single Girl's Happiness in the Church

I find comfort and peace in the predictability of my life today. I must admit that I am happy even though I don't live in a place where life is simple and peaceful. I find joy in just savoring the serenity of the afternoons and going home early.

"Owwws?! That's boring!!! That's all you do?"

Well, not really. One thing I am really grateful in my life today is my membership in the Church. As a single young woman, I am thankful for its activities that help us enjoy and develop ourselves. My involvement in the church has bring me such joy. I am always excited for Tuesday Family Home Evenings with the Young Single Adults. Saturday is always an early weekend for me because of Community Service Projects. Reactivation days give us an unusual glow. Sunday,well, that's the day that we always wish it could be extended by a few hours.

I have found my second family in the church. In here, I knew my not-biological-but-special brothers and sisters. :)

I just love this Church. It truly brings indescribable happiness to us. It's true that living in my town could be boring but with the church, I know I will always have fun. :)

Martes, Hunyo 12, 2012

Why I Scream "Beat the Heat!" :)

I grew up in a house where basketball is never out of the daily conversation. My dad was a player in his HS team and both of my brothers play the game. Our CD racket has stacks of basketball videos of Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics, San Antonio Spurs, Miami Heat, LA Lakers and many more. Sometimes the videos are so old -- even back to the time when their basketball shorts are so sexy. Hahaha. I know who Larry Bird is, why Magic Johnson is famous, why Michael Jordan shifted his attention to baseball once, why Tim Duncan was once a swimmer, so on and so forth. Through the years, I can say that I have the "Celtic Pride". While everyone else is going for LA or Heat, I cheer for the Celtics. There are only a few who still cheers for them now. Once, my choice of teams is affected by my brothers' or father's opinion. Right now, I think I finally have my own. One of it is this : I dislike (not hate) Miami heat.

"But why? You're nuts!" you might say. It's not that I really don't appreciate their skills and their absolutely almost-invincible line up. I know they're good but I just don't like them. As I thought about the question "Why", here's what I came up to:

1.) Let me see some team spirit, pretty please?

When Chris Bosh and LeBron James became part of the Miami Heat, everyone was "Oh yeah! A winner, baby!" Three intimidating superstars. Who wouldn't go for a team like that, right? Well, after I have seen some of their plays and heard (and read) that all the praises and trust go to LeBron James, I was like "Is this Miami's team? Or Lebron's?"

The game is always focused on James here, James shoots there, James dunks, James saves the Heat! James James James. I want to see the team spirit, I want to see a basketball superstar who knows how to share the spotlight with other members of the team. With James, when he gets the ball, the ball is only his. I don't like it.

Michael Jordan was also a superstar but what I really like about him is that he wants his team, above else, to be known as the Bulls and not only as the "Michael Jordan Team".

My heart also goes to Wade- who does all the job in the fourth quarter because James' knees start to buckle  during crunch time- because he shoots and scores yet does not get enough recognition for his efforts.

2.) Too many superstars.

Chris Bosh. Wade. James. Too much show. 'Nuff said.

3.) Bandwagon Fans

I don't want to be just a "Bandwagon Fan". These are fans who just put their bets on the Heat because the team is "promising", "sure to win", "invincible", "star-studded" and there was even one who told me "because their coach is a Filipino". Funny reasons to be a fan.

There are also some fans who never had a status about basketball before and then when the Finals come, they'd post "Heat wins! You can't beat us, losers!" Oh yeah? Since when did you become such a huge Heat or basketball fan? Do you even know where the 3-point line is?

I want to be a fan who really knows the stats, the skill of the player, the player's capacity to utilize his teammates. I don't want to become a fan just because "the coach is a Filipino". Hahaha.

I love the feeling of cheering for underdogs. A team that makes the whole world conclude that "Heat will beat them" and then proceeds to show the world that their opinions are wrong.. It is elating. Remember the Mavericks-Heat game? Yeah, that was awesome. :). Too many "bandwagon fans" were disappointed. HAHA.


I don't root for any specific team. Sure, my heart really belongs to the Spurs and Boston Celtics but if they're out of the game, Heat's opponent is my team! :D :D :D :D

Linggo, Hunyo 10, 2012

Confidence Booster Tip # 1: Mirror Pep Talk

You know who you can best depend on to boost your confidence? None other than yourself. :)

After waking up, I would go to the mirror with messy hair, no make-up face and all and would say "Hey, I'm pretty. Look how my hair's curls look! So natural and mmmmm, classy. Oh, look how my face glows! And my eyes! They're smiling!" Then I give myself a big smile.

I do the same thing after dressing up and applying make up. I would go to the mirror again, smile bigger and tell myself "Time to go, pretty girl". 

I don't know what kind of magic that does but it gives wonders to my confidence. I do FEEL beautiful! I feel good inside. Do you know that the difference between "looking" and "feeling" beautiful is of great importance? You may "look" beautiful but without you really "feeling" it, it won't really be that evident. A popular saying goes like this "Feel beautiful, look beautiful." 

You don't really need a branded wardrobe or a bunch of expensive make-up to feel beautiful. Feeling beautiful comes from the inside. Your faith and belief that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. That faith brings out the aura of beauty in you. I have seen really pretty girls who always have a smug look on their face. Sometimes you can see them looking at other girls and checking out their outfit. If you don't feel beautiful, no matter how beautiful your clothes are or how chic and class your make up is, you will still be insecure and that aura of beauty will cease to shine.

It's never too late to have a beauty pep-talk with yourself in front of the mirror. Never forget to give your reflection the biggest smile and never fail to remind her that she is beautiful. Unlike the Queen from Snow White who delights in knowing that she outshines the other girls when it comes to beauty, face the mirror with this kind of message "Mirror Mirror on the wall, you don't have to answer who's the fairest of them all. I know within myself that I hold true beauty. Now help me shine all day by smiling with me." :)

Linggo, Hunyo 3, 2012

Guys and Hyperboles

Right now, I'm sitting in front of the computer with my left hand on my chin and grinning like a love-struck kindergarten kid.

I've been reading "Letters to Crushes" for the past forty minutes. It's a website where anonymous people can write down their secret feelings, their perfect love stories or love lives that ended up tragically. Almost 60% of the letters are addressed to clueless persons who inspired the writers. What really made me smile a lot were the letters describing the writer's love interest. One goes like this:

"His eyes are green with specks of yellow. The sun gets jealous when he smiles."

As I go through reading the other letters, a thought came into my mind: "Do guys also write cheesy descriptions like these?" If yes, then, I'm really interested what a certain male-o would write about me. Will he say:

"Her eyes are dark with specks of brown, and they are cradled by her hard-earned eye bags." 


"Her hair is long and so dark that the ravens are jealous. The waves of curls makes a canton noodle straight with envy."

or perhaps

"Her skin tone makes the fair ladies say '30 minutes in a tanning machine was a lie!'"

I really wonder what he would write down. I know not all guys have Shakespeare's colorful imagination and most of them are allergic to hyperboles. :). Although an oldy-but-goody "She's my best friend, my heart, my soul" is perfect, a little creativity in describing me would be so much appreciated. I'm vain, I know. :D


Linggo, Mayo 6, 2012

A Reading of Alfred Noyes' "The Highwayman"

My Mama's the first fan of this poem. Then, my sister followed. When I read and listened to one reading of it, I fell in love. Here is my version of reading the beautiful tragic poem of Alfred Noyes.

Sabado, Mayo 5, 2012

How to Really Have the Power to Wow

One TV advertisement's tagline goes this way "The Power to Wow". Of course, considering it's a skin product, it delivers the message that someone needs to have white and fair skin in order to acquire that power. How about us morena girls? Don't we have the power to wow? :)

For me, the real "power to wow" does not only settle for skin deep factors. No. It's more than that. It's all about one person's over-all personality, one person's bearing. Here are some things that can boost your "power to wow". :)

1.) Feed your mind.

Girls, don't be someone who only talks about shopping, shoes, bags, clothes, make up and boys boys boys. Guys, don't be proud of the fact that you can master the language of DoTA and Counter Strike (girls aren't really into blood and shooting and killing). 

Be educated. Choose to be smart. Love learning. Thirst for knowledge. Read about various topics from health to politics. Isn't it amazing when you can relate to a certain topic one person is talking about? That person will definitely say "Wow, this person has a bright mind".

Read good books. Increase your vocabulary. There's a popular saying that goes like this: "Good grammar will bring you to great places". Don't just beautify your outer appearance. Beautify your mind as well. :)

2.) Tap, develop and share your talents.

One anime that I really love (Skip Beat) opened with "Before someone's born, God gives them a box. It will be unopened for a time. But there will come a time that that box will finally be unlocked." Those words send us a message that everyone HAS a talent. Yes, let me emphasize that. EVERYONE HAS A TALENT. Don't believe that you don't have one. Sometimes, it's just there in the corner waiting for you to tap it. Discover what your talents are. You could be good at singing, dancing, cooking, baby sitting, making people laugh or you have a genuinely caring heart. After discovering your talent, develop it. Practice, practice, practice. :) 

The final step is to share it. This is where the real "wow" factor takes effect. When you share your talent, people will appreciate you. People will say "Dang, that person's not only smart but also talented." Sharing also means you teach other people how you tapped, discovered, and shared your talent. :)

3.) Be spontaneous and creative and fun.

I love that adjective! SPONTANEOUS. That means you can be prim and proper, fun, wacky, adventurous!     For me, it's really a "Wow" if someone is fun and always ready for adventure. Although being prim and proper is important, you also need to sometimes let your hair loose, be relaxed, play like a kid, and never worry about poise. :). People will say "Wow, he/she is fun!" Have you seen Angel Locsin's Whisper (or was that Modess?) commercial? She went on a date with someone. Her date's car broke down. She smiled at him and said "Commute? Go!" Then they went walking, running and ended up eating fish ball. The guy said "wow, she's different!" 

Be versatile. Be a lady. Be a gentleman. But don't forget to have fun. :)

4.) Live a good life.

When you take in good things, you will radiate good things. Don't settle on being "young, wild and free". Be different. Be good. Be kind to people. Be a true friend. Have some spiritual source in your life. Develop a good relationship with our Father in Heaven. Always choose to follow Him than to please your peers. :). Make good choices because they will definitely determine your future. When you are living a good life and you are choosing good choices, it will radiate in your aura and people will say "Wow, there's something different about him/her". And the bottom line? You're not only attracting people, you are also happy. :)

Even though physical beauty is important, always remember that deep beauty is more attractive. Having a deep reservoir of knowledge, talent, spontaneity, and goodness is definitely something that can make people say "WOW!" Now, isn't that quite a power? ;)

Martes, Mayo 1, 2012

Me Want Teddy Bear

I am a sucker for teddy bears. No, not those small, you-can-place-on-your-bedside, midget teddy bears. I have always wanted a huuugggeee teddy bear. I really would like to buy one someday.

(I can hear Alona saying "You are a SINGER. A SIINNGGGERRR!")

Pardon my lack of art skills but this is pretty much the kind of teddy bear I want. :). Life size. Where you can hug it and it can really hug you bag with its big furry arms.

I think this extreme love for huge teddy bears started when my best friend (Jibsy) and I went to Gaisano Kabankalan and I saw this really fluffy, huge, cream-colored teddy bear. It has eyes that seemed to say "Won't you take me home?" I would have bought that bear but P3500 five years ago is a large amount of money and that's what I lack. So, I just sighed and left the cutie-patootie bear. I then made a "well-kinda-promise" to myself that if I get paid someday, I'll save some to buy myself this beary bear. :)

However, I think it's nice is someone will be sweet (hello future boyfriend) enough to buy me one. But I don't think allowing someone to spend that amount of money on you is fair. :). So yeah, scratch that. :)

Teddy bear, just 5 more year and we'll finally have each other. :D

My YSA Darlings

What do you get if you combine all the Young Single Adults? A havoc. Fun havoc. :)

I spent all of my today together with my really amazing YSA friends. During the morning, we went to the chapel to register online in the New Family Search. We had fun! We were still in the chapel when the missionaries arrived. We invited them to have lunch with us and they did join.

After our lunch, we went to play some board games, took a rest for a while, then proceeded to watch a very inspiring movie "Pursuit of Happiness".

When the movie ended, we met with the missionaries again for a Family Home Evening in the Antonio Family. Spent two and a half hours of laughing and playing and sharing testimonies. :)

It rained the whole day but it is undeniable that we really enjoyed this holiday. Truly, with my friends, I can bravely say "What, life? Me boyfriend-less? Challenge accepted!" :D

Linggo, Abril 29, 2012

Well, Hello Ian. :)

He was supposed to be out on April 15, 2012. However, this baby fulfilled my request. :). I was telling him since he was eight months old that he should come out on April 24 so we can both be "ka-birthday". Thia (Ian's mom) had a hard time, though. (Ouch, my fault). She endured labor for two days. Through it all, she's blessed with a really lovely son. :D Here is the little cutie pie:

Ren Ian Yael Morales. Isn't he as cute as a little button? :). I knew it! Those who are born on April 24 are really good looking. Hahahaha. :D

Linggo, Abril 15, 2012

A Firm Foundation: What's that For

When the earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011, a Japanese family was having a lunch in a restaurant. As the earthquake commenced, these Japanese remained calm and composed and never left their seat. They just sat there waiting for the earthquake to end. Why did this Japanese family never panic even if there's danger around them? It is because they know that the building they are in is built in a strong foundation.

Those closest to me know that my favorite hymn is "How Firm a Foundation". Its message always reminds me that if I wanted my life to be happy despite all the troubles in the world, I should establish my life in a strong foundation. The scripture clearly tells us where to build our lives. In Helaman 5:12, it says " And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon thearock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." 

During my years in seminary and institute, my friends would often give me skeptical looks everytime I tell them "I can't come on Saturday. I have a class". They would ask "A class? Where?" "In our church, it's like a Bible school", I would reply. They would then ask "What's that for?"

What's that for? What is seminary and institute for? Why do I need to attend in my classes?

Now, I decide to answer the question. 

1.) For me to know who I really am.

The youth and young adults are bombarded by the media every day that sometimes, we forget to realize our great worth. The scriptures remind us who we really are and what is our divine purpose here on earth. Seminary and institute have made me realize that I am indeed special in Heavenly Father's sight because I am His daughter. The world may tell me that I am insignificant. But the scriptures tell me that I am "great in the sight of God."

2.) For me to able to share the gospel

Full time or not, we have the responsibility of sharing the gospel to other people. How can we share something that we have no idea about? Attending seminary and institute will help us to know the gospel better thru lessons and examples. They will help us to love the message that we share. By experiencing this, we allow ourselves to become better missionaries. The Lord said "Seek not to adeclare my word, but first seek to bobtain mycword, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my dSpirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the econvincing of men.". 

3.) For me to be able to teach my children well.

As a woman, I know my divine purpose is to become a mother, bring children to this world and help them return to Heavenly Father's presence someday. In this world of confusion and temptations, I can help equip them by teaching them the true "points of his doctrine" so that when the time comes that they will be faced by a challenge, they will know where they can rely on and they can bravely say "We do not doubt [what we believe in], our Mother knows it".

We are a chosen generation. It is Satan's plan to confuse us because He knows all the things we are capable of doing. I know that "feasting upon the words of Christ" will indeed tell us "all the things that we should do". It is important to give importance to seminary and institute. The church needs us, the Lord needs us. Let us all build strong foundations while we are young so that when the challenges come our way, we will be like the Japanese people; calm and immovable because we know that our lives are built upon Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer.

Linggo, Abril 8, 2012

General Conference

Having a General Conference every six months is truly a blessing. I felt inspired, lifted up, enlightened and edified. :)

Martes, Marso 27, 2012

...and in the end of this colored cartoon, I always cry

My best friend is soooo good. She searched all of 888 Chinatown just to find me this cartoon (my second favorite Disney Animation and is very special to me).

I have loved Pocahontas since I was young. As I grew up, it became more special, more meaningful to me. I have cried over it for the gazillionth time already. :(

Pocahontas is special because of so many reasons. First, it shows us that difference in culture, in nationality, in origin are not really reasons to deny or hinder love. I dunno, for me, it sends the message that if you truly love each other, differences can be overlooked. Second is its ending. It's not really "happily ever after". Unlike other Disney movies where everything ends in marriage, this movie's ending shows two people in love being separated from each other because of different circumstances. What makes it more sad is because of the fact that in part 2, she married another man. *big sobs*

Just this evening, I got the chance to watch it again and ugh, my heart, once again, is tortured. :(

I'm just so in love with this movie.

Miyerkules, Marso 21, 2012

My Extreme Love for Twins

I don't know why but I love twins. I adore twins. I want to have twins! :)

I have classmates that are twins. Their names are Bryan and Ryan. They are the coolest twins I have been acquainted with. They added my love for twins.

It's a Filipino belief as old as time that if a pregnant woman eats bananas, she will have twins. Of course, Science would argue that there should be "twin genes" in the family in order to have twin babies. Fortunately, my father has twin siblings. That gives me a 50% chance to have twins, so, why not grab the superstitious belief and be 100% assured? :))

DISCLAIMER: I am not pregnant. Hahaha

I do, however, want to be a mother and having twins will be, well, a great blessing if ever. To grab the chance, I got a hold of this twin bananas:

*victor's laugh* Now, I am assured I will have twins!!!

Just kidding, though. :) As much as I love twins, I will welcome whatever Heavenly Father wants to give to me. :).

Let's Go Romantic. :)

Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

My Letter for the Young Girls

Dear young girls,

Being a teenager is fun. In fact, I can consider it as the most vibrant chapter in one's life. Being a teen means having all the energy, the time and the opportunity in the world. Teen life is the first step to the real world.

I have been a teen, too; and I can say that my journey towards adolescence wasn't really very easy. Like you, I always had self-esteem issues because I did not have the fair, white complexion nor the really soft and silky hair all the beauty magazines feature. I once felt very ugly, very insignificant. There was even a time that I started to question "Am I beautiful?"

But I have good news, dear girls. I overcame that stage. I can say I am better now compared to the timid, unsure 13 year old. All of this change haVE been brought about by some of the truths I learned and discovered in my teenage years.

Girls, did you know that you are a precious being here on earth? Do you realize that Someone up there is mindful of you every day of your life? Yes, girls. You are precious in Heavenly Father's sight. Why is that so? It is because you are His daughter. And what does that make you? Yes, a princess. Again, A PRINCESS! Isn't that quite something? Always remember that, girls. You are a daughter of a Most Powerful Being. You're not insignificant. You are amazing in every way. You may have morena skin? So what? :) You don't have a long silky hair? What's the advantage, anyway? :). Heavenly Father will love you still. The devil wants you to feel that you are a nobody. Don't let him confuse you, girls.

Did you know that more than the physical beauty, young men are attracted to girls who radiate deep beauty that comes from living a righteous life? You can be attractive even without all the tons of make up on your face. Young men will be more drawn to you if they see that your beauty is not just skin deep. If they see that you are intelligent, modest, friendly, charitable, happy, bubbly and with a great sense of humor, they'll be more smitten. Do not settle on being just "pretty" or "dainty". Beautify not only your face but your mind and spirit. Smile always, be friends with those who are alone, read good books, share what you learn and always be humble.

Girls, always remember that a pretty face is not a license to demean other people.

Girls, did you know that boys will respect you more if you also respect your self?

Girls, modest is hottest.

Girls, do not settle for anything less.

Girls, do not be tired of waiting for Mr. Right. The Lord will give Him to you when the right time comes. While waiting, improve yourself so that you'll be ready when he comes. Do not think that not having a boyfriend means you are ugly or unwanted. Enjoy the single life.

Girls, do not enter into a relationship when you're still very young. You are prone to temptations when you do so. Develop friendship first. In fact, a beautiful love story starts with friendship.

Girls, this advice is not old fashioned: BOYS ASK GIRLS ON A DATE and not the other way around. Stay classy. Do not be too vocal of your feelings. A boy who really likes you will woo you without even you shouting your feelings all over the world. Help our boys be better men, also.

Lastly, girls, make choices right now that will help you reach your happy ending. Happy endings do not belong to Disney Princesses only. You can have that, too (and yes, together with your Prince Charming). Remember girls, your choices will greatly affect your life. Do not compromise eternity for momentary pleasures.

I love you, dear girls. I want you to be happy. It is my heart's wish that all the boys will treat you as the queen you are destined to be and not just make you cry.

You are special. Please don't ever ever forget that.

From an older sister who can already see how wonderful you are,
Giulia :)

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